Rhif Cyf AmgBHILL/3732
TeitlPetition of 32 Churchmen of Beaumaris to Sir R.B.W. Bulkeley who were "quite unable to worship in our Parish Church … for causes known to you as they are to us" in a position to erect a temporary church, and have secured the services of a minister, who at present conducts services in the Town Hall; want a small piece of land on which to erect a building
DisgrifiadNo date whatsoever, but the movement undoubtedly due to the High Church proclivities of the Rev John Williams who assumed the additional name of Meyrick on his marriage to a member of one of the younger branches of the Meyricks of Bodorgan (Pedigrees, 127). He became rector of Llandegfan-Beaumaris in 1866, Sir Richard being patron, possibly, therefore, 1870 will best suit the date of this petition
Dyddiadc. 1870
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