Rhif Cyf AmgBMSS/39790
TeitlDiary of William Thomas Bason
DisgrifiadThis diary mostly contains entries about Ellen's deteriorating health and some regarding various Council Meetings. Bason is essentially confined to the house.
In the General Purpose Committee Bason is elected and accepted to the Chair (27 May 1965).
Bason describes a typical day at home, stating "My chief interest is staying near Mum's company" (16 August 1965).
Bason describes how he preached the morning service and told his people that he was sorry he was unable to take the evening service but his preaching days had come to a close (2 Jan 1966).
Unable to read his books anymore, only "a little picking" due to his bad eyesight (24 Jan 1966).
Dyddiad16 May 1965- 24 January 1966
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