Rhif Cyf AmgBMSS/40583
TeitlNature diary 'Book VII'
DisgrifiadDetails Whalley's time at the research station in Uganda. There are accounts and lists of very different fauna, plants and weather compared to what is found in other diaries. The diary is not as consistenlty written in as some of the other diaries, perhpas this is due to his work preoccupying him at the research station. There is a timy fragment of a feather on the page listing birds seen in July. There is a collection of feathers from a Yellow Necked Spurfowl that was acquired during Whalley's time in Nairobi (Kenya). At the rear of the diary, there is a list of butteflies caught around this time, alongside other collected feathers.
DyddiadAugust 1956 - April 1958
Extent1 book
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