Rhif Cyf AmgGARTHA/206
TeitlCopy of no. 204
DisgrifiadIn Chancery: Interrogations to be exhibited before Ffrancis Elde Esq. for the examination of James Brynker Esq., pursuant to a Decree dated 20 June, 1734, in certain Causes, viz. James Brynker and another, Plaintiffs, against William Brynker Esq., Robert Wynne, Doctor of Divinity, Robert Wynne Esq., Catherine Jones and others, Defendants, and also in the case Robert Wynne, Doctor of Divinity, Robert Wynne Esq., and Catherine Jones, Plaintiffs, against William Brynker Esq., James Brynker Esq., and others, Defendants.


(i) 1736, June 20
Copy letter from R. Settinghall to an unknown recipient. He is "vastly concerned & ashamed" that he can't make up the money, because his Estate is Entailed onto his Wife and a Recovery would be expensive; also his Tenant is in arrears and refuses to leave. He humbly begs "you will intercede with the Dr...(who is a good natured gent)"

(ii) n.d.
Copy Notice to William Brynker's Creditors of a proposal to set up a trust to clear his debts. Incomplete.
Dyddiadn.d. [c. 1736]
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