Rhif Cyf AmgGARTHA/210
TeitlLease and Release
Disgrifiad1. Henry Hill of Tetenhall, co. Stafford, Esq., and Thomas Jones of Tibberton, co. Salop, Gent., assignees of the estate and effects of Ambrose Brookes late of Newport, co. Salop, Gent., a bankrupt.

2. The said Ambrose Brookes.

3. William Wycherley Brookes of Whitchurch, co. Salop, and John Brookes of Broughall in Whitchurch, Gents.

4. Robert William Wynne of Garthewin, co. Denbigh, Esq.

5. John Whitehall Dod of Cloverley Hall, co. Salop, Esq.

Lease and release to uses of a messuage and tenement called Butters tenement late in the occupation of John Butters, and parcels of land called the croft and the parlour croft, and the enclosure in the new Woodhouses, all in the parish of Whitchurch, co. Salop.
Total Consideration: £318-10-0
Dyddiad28 September 1835-29 September 1835
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