Rhif Cyf AmgGARTHA/633
TeitlProbate of the Will (29 August, 1881) of Eugenie Marie Wynne of Warley lodge, co. Essex, Widow.
DisgrifiadProbate of the Will (29 August, 1881) of Eugenie Marie Wynne of Warley lodge, co. Essex, Widow. Testatrix appoints her sons Robert William Wynne and Richard Wynne as Executors of the Will. She bequeaths to her daughter Eugenie Marie Wynne her diamond star, her opal diamond and ruby ring, her watch, and one of her gold bracelets; to her daughter Amy Mary Ann Constable, her opal ruby and diamond ring, her horse shoe onyx and diamond brooch, one of her gold bracelets, and her bust by Dalon; to her daughter Blanche Maria Lefroy, her pearl ring and one of her gold bracelets; to her daughter Frances Margaret Wynne, her emerald and diamond ring, any gold chain which she may select, and one of her gold bracelets; to her son Robert William Wynne, her rosewood secretaire; and to her son Richard Wynne, her Carriage Clock and the seal ring which belonged to her husband. She bequeaths the residue of her real and personal estate to Eugenie Marie Wynne and Frances Margaret Wynne in equal shares, provided they have not been married in her lifetime. Should both have married, the residue is to go to her surviving daughters, or to the children over 21 years old of daughters who have died in her lifetime, in equal shares; however, Robert William Wynne may purchase the household furniture and goods at Warley lodge if he desires.
Dyddiad10 April 1899
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