Rhif Cyf AmgGARTHA/598
TeitlWill of Katherine Lloyd of Llanynys and now of Mold, co. Flint.
DisgrifiadTestatrix asks to be buried in the parish church of Llanynys near to her Mother's grave and for the funeral to cost no more than £20. She bequeaths all her lands to the Rev. Mr. Hugh Lloyd, Vicar of Mold, and his wife, her sister Luce Lloyd, for their lives and after both their deaths to her cousin Edward Lloyd, Rector of Riple, co. Kent, and his issue. In default of such issue, the lands are to go to her father's next heir on condition that such issue takes the surname "Lloyd". She also bequeaths to Mr. Henry Standish, Silk-Merchant now living in Warburgh Street, Dublin, £200, and to the poor of the parish of Llanynys, co. Denbigh, the yearly interest from £50, to be distributed by the Vicar, the two Churchwardens, and the owner of Llanynys Hall, for ever. She appoints Mr. Hugh Lloyd and Luce Lloyd as joint Executors of the Will, and bequeaths to them the residue of her personal property.

See also Garthewin nos. 39-40 for an earlier Will.
Dyddiad9 December 1738
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