Rhif Cyf AmgGARTHA/853
TeitlFile/Ffeil, entitled "Literature: March 1939", containing various letters and draft manuscripts.
DisgrifiadFile/Ffeil, entitled "Literature: March 1939", containing various letters and draft manuscripts:

(i) Letter (1942, February 13) to Mr Wynne from Cynan, thanking him for a wonderful 'Noson Lawen' at Garthewin. Has written a mime of the Four Kings and sends some verses spoken by 'Mair vam Duw' in an old play in return for the copy of 'Ar Fore Dydd Nadolig'.

Nodyn bras (1957, Chwefror 3) o drefn gwasanaeth crefyddol.

Rough note regarding the attitude of the Catholic Church towards non-Catholics.

Nodyn bras o drefn gwasanaeth crefyddol.

Rhestr o enwau canolau.

Rough note regarding the ignoring of the existence of the Nation's anthem.

Address on the work of the Welsh Council for Rural Preservation. Manuscript.

Draft, entitled, "The Present Need", regarding the protest against the Bombing School in Llyn.

Two copy letters from [R.O.F. Wynne] to ? regarding the reason why no Welshman should ever serve in the English armed forces.

Teipysgrif o ganol, "Ganwyd yn y Gauaf Oer". (Wedi rhwygo)

Typescript of an Order of Service.

Poem: "On the Death of a Spaniel", by R.O.F. Wynne.

Poem: "To A.R.T."

Copy letter (1939, April 11) from R.O.F. Wynne to ? requesting that the Welsh countryside be rehabilitated by government bearing in mind that if war begins, English refugees will be sent to the country.

Draft copy letter from [R.O.F. Wynne] to ? regarding the effect of four centuries of English government in Wales.

Copy letter (1937, March 6) from R.O.F. Wynne to ? regarding notice about a proposed gift of land at Llanddulas.

Copy letter (1937, June 28) from R.O.F. Wynne to the Editor of the Liverpool Daily Post regarding the burning of the Bombing School.

Draft manuscript of St. David's Day broadcast on the origins of the Welsh nation and St. David.

Manuscript draft entitled "The Indictment" regarding the effect of four centuries of English government on Wales.

Draft copy letter from R.O.F. Wynne to the Editor of the North Wales Pioneer in response to an article by Sir Robert Armstrong Jones attacking the principles of the Welsh Nationalist Party.

Typescript of an interview (1937, February 8) regarding Welsh nationalism.

Essay: "Wales during the Reformation and After", in manuscript.

Draft manuscript on the subjects of the relationship between Wales and Ireland, the League of Our Lady and the Welsh Revival.

Address on the principles of the Nationalist movement, in manuscript.

Draft manuscript of an election address on the reason for standing as a Nationalist candidate.

Essay assessing the prospects for the conversion of Wales and the nation's circumstances at the time of the Reformation, in manuscript.

Rough notes on thoughts on history.

Letter (1934, November 1) from T. Gwynn Jones of Bow Street to Mr Wynne, on the subject of Welsh Christmas carols. Apologises for not being able to stay at Garthewin and recites a story about an ancestor of Mr Wynne's.

Draft notes on public expenditure and the sorry predicament of Wales.
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