Rhif Cyf AmgGARTHA/1523
TeitlBox of personal items collected by Mrs Nanette Wynne. Mostly religious postcards and photographs; also family photographs etc., including photographs of Garthewin and other houses, of her husband's mother Eugenie Marie Wynne's grave at Nice, of her sister-in-law Amy Constable when she was young, and of other family members, often unidentified. Also an obituary of her brother Robert Valentine Macrory in The Derry Standard of 1 November 1954.
DisgrifiadLetters include:

(i) 1872
Congratulations from Nanette's grandparents, the Rev and Mrs Samuel Greer, to their daughter Fan/Fanny on her engagement to Samuel Macrory.

(ii) 1874
Congratulations to Fan from her parents on the birth of a child.

(iii) n.d.
Letters to Fan on the death of a child.

(iv) n.d.
Notes from Nanette's sister Olive as a child to their mother.

(v) 1906
"Aunt Polly" to Robert William Wynne detailing the family history of the Wynnes of Garthewin.

(vi) 1903
Eyre Crowe to Robert William Wynne sincerely thanking him "for your good hearted & noble offer...you have the true grit & genuine feelings wh. were the characteristics of your dear Father & Mother".

(vii) 1950
W. Malachy at The Prior's Office, The Friars, Ayleford, Kent, to Nanette: religious and personal news.

(viii) n.d.
Two home-made cards from Nanette's granddaughter Menna.
Dyddiadc. 1872-1960
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