Rhif Cyf AmgGARTHA/1527
TeitlPersonalia - mostly letters from family and friends. Two from her granddaughter Menna Wynne about to go to college in Ireland and feeling homesick, c. 1962: "Looks as if we'll soon be rocking around in World War III, doesn't it? Oh, well, it was getting a bit dull, being safe and alive, wasn't it?!!!"; also a letter dated 14 January 1960, from Frank Gallagher to Gwyneth Wynne, explaining and defending live animal exports; also a transcript of a Radio Eireann review of The True Level; suggestions from Frank Gallagher on Nanette's book, dated 1946; and a copy of the poem "Gwenllian", by Roye McCoye, dated April 1956.
DisgrifiadIn one envelope.
Dyddiadc. 1918-1962
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