Rhif Cyf AmgGARTHA/1564
TeitlDiary. Crowe's travels on behalf of the South Kensington Museum take him to school inspections in January and February to Wiltshire and Somerset, and then up to Lancashire, in November to Newport and Carmarthen, and from 6 to 16 December to a great deal of places in West Yorkshire, during which time he visits Haworth as a tourist. Many local descriptions.
Disgrifiad2 August to 20 October, he is painting in Boulogne and Paris, and visits Jean Léon Gérome, "a kind friend". His painting projects include one of ships which hangs in the Royal Academy from April, a portrait of the artist Millet, one of W.B. Scott, and a scene of the Boulogne Ramparts.

Crowe keeps in constant touch with family and friends, especially his nephews and nieces and his ill friend Rushton. Many anecdotes and reports of conversations. On 2 May, the Prince of Wales visits the South kensington Museum. "Like other less exalted Inspectors he smoked his cigar the whole time, with the probably good excuse that he was unaware of the Strict Regulations against whiffing there". He comments on events in the news, such as Gladstone's death in May, and on 5 September, "The papers full of splendid Victory in the Soudan, the Dervish powers annihilated. Hurrah!"
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