Rhif Cyf AmgGARTHA/1557
TeitlDiary. Two major painting projects - until April Crowe is in Aberdeen painting members of the Highland Regiment, and records of their interesting conversations; from October, he works on Horrocks seeing the actual Transit of Venus, using a telescope set up in authentic fashion by fellow Reform Clubber and famous astronomer Sir Norman Lockyer.
DisgrifiadIn Paris on 9 August, Crowe sees the "revolting white, red & blue electric lights" of the (newly-opened) Eiffel Tower; on 16 August he climbs it; "it took two hours waiting to get to the top...people in black appearing like ants crawling...Every body began writing Post cards to their friends". Details of the artistic parts of the Centenary Exhibition. Crowe also visits the Forth Bridge on 31 August, not yet completed: "the greatest span of iron horizontally contrived". A visit to St. Andrews on 9 September elicits a description of the golf course, ball and player by a curious Crowe. 21 October - 16 November, Crowe goes on an inspection and sightseeing trip, mostly around Lancashire.

Much gossip from the worlds of the South Kensington Museum, the Royal Academy and the Reform Club.
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