Rhif Cyf AmgGARTHA/1559
TeitlDiary. Account starts on 19 April, and up to 15 July is mainly concerned with details of the examination work at the South Kensington Museum. From 19 August to 5 October Crowe is painting in and around Boulogne, and from 4 to 11 November he makes a rapid tour of Lincolnshire, the North East and West Yorkshire inspecting Art Schools.
DisgrifiadDuring the year, he works on a number of pictures - sketching at the Temple, a portrait of W.B. Scott, The Foundling Hospital, a farmhouse at Denaire, a concertina player in Trafalgar Square, and the Twa Brigs of Ayr. In September his book With Thackeray in America is published, and he mentions a few reviews, including that by the Pall Mall Gazette (10 October): "This is the first bit of hearty praise I have got in the press. Friends are, on the contrary, kindly".

A newspaper cutting about elections to the Royal Academy is inserted at 5 May, and one about a painting sale at Christie's in which Crowe was very interested, at 24 July. On 13 July, he mentions that Eyre Crowe, his nephew, "has invented a Stove, wh. ventilates the room & wh. warms beautifully. He has taken out a Patent for it".

Also loosely inserted [later] are a letter from Eyre A. Crowe, son of Crowe's brother Joseph, to Dick [Richard Wynne], dated 10 July 1917, mentioning in relation to Eyre Crowe A.R.A., "the dear old man's parsimonious life and toiling labour", and also a copy of Supporter, the official publication of the Flint and Denbigh Hunt Supporters' Club, no. 4, December 1968.
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