Rhif Cyf AmgGARTHA/1561
TeitlDiary. Descriptions of people and places while on travels - until 25 January Crowe is in Paris; from 24 June to 17 August he is in Paris, Hanover, Goslar, Celle, Dusseldorf, Brussels, Dunkirk, Gravelines and Boulogne; from 7 November to 14 December he is on South Kensington Museum business in Lancashire, the Lake District, Tyneside, Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.
DisgrifiadHe is still perfecting "Scott's interminable portrait", and the Parson Christening Children.

Crowe keeps abreast of the news, mentioning the verdict and sentence against Oscar Wilde (25 April, 25 May), and on 16 July he describes the new-fangled "petroleum vehicle" - the owners "wound up the machine, wh. again went off briskly & noiselessly. This is a coupé Bertrice seating two people - & in this instance a dog. In front is a square box containing the boiler, petroleum &c. A tremulous handle for directing right & left is grasped by the driver & off they go. The cost of the affair is £160".

At 23 January is inserted a rather critical review of With Thackeray in America from the Chicago Herald, saying, "The best thing about the very handome volume...is the title".
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