Rhif Cyf AmgLLOYD/72-83
TeitlPapers, Addresses, Reviews, &c.
DisgrifiadComprising early life in Liverpool, student life at Aberystwyth, career at Oxford. Scripture answers, and papers read before literary societies; note the Mabinogion contribution to the U.C.W. Magazine (LLOYD/75), and compare with the more mature LLOYD/46 (pp. 1-33).
Writing to the Genedl newspaper in 1881 (LLOYD/76); papers read at Lincoln College debates, before the Nonconformists' Union at Oxford, and before the Isis Society (cp. the Isis photo in bundle LLOYD/23) - particularly interesting by to-day in face of his life-long services to Cymdeithas yr laith Gymraeg is his speech (LLOYD/77) on a motion in support of the Welsh language, and LLOYD/83, his speech before the Isis in 1883 against the establishment of an English Academy, this by a man who in later years became such a distinguished Fellow of the British Academy
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