Rhif Cyf AmgMOST/715
TeitlMortgage ('tir prid')
DisgrifiadMortgage ('tir prid') for an initial term of four years commencing on All Saints Day (1 Nov.) and subsequently for quadrennial periods, of a third portion of the said Griffudd's lands in Crymelin Heylin, formerly held by Ithel Seys.

Consideration: 24s. sterling.

Witnesses: Lewelin Vychan; David ap Rees; tudur ap Rees; Griffudd ap David ap Howel; and David Seys ap Madoc.

Given at Crymelin, Saturday after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (20 September) 22 Edward III, '& princ'E sexto.'
Dyddiad20 September 1348
Extent1 item
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