Rhif Cyf AmgMOST/718
TeitlMortgage ('tir prid')
DisgrifiadMortgage ('tir prid') of two tenements ('fundamenta') called Tyddyn Madoc Duy and Tyddyn Hova Duy in the township of Porthaetho for an initial term of four years and subsequently for quadrennial periods.

Consideration: 33s. 4d.

Witnesses: Rys sap Gruffudd ap Madoc; Bledyn ap Madoc; Madoc ap Enyonn Hir; and others.

Given at Porythaetho, All Saints Day, (1 November), 1392.

Seal pendant; yellow wax; device and legend illegible.
Dyddiad1 November 1392
Extent1 item
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