Rhif Cyf AmgMOST/731
TeitlMortgage in the name of 'tir prid'
DisgrifiadMortgage in the name of 'tir prid' for an initial term of four years commencing on the Feast of All Saints (1 November), 'Anno Regni Regis Edwardi septimo,' and subsequently for quadrennial periods, of all the said Howel's lands and tenements in Llangeuni.

Consideration: 40s.

Witnesses: Howel ap Gruffudd ap Meuric; Lewelin Gethin; Goronw ap Tudur ap Gronow; Lewelyn ap Owein; Meredudd Duy; Howel ap Madoc Coch; Edeneuet ap Goronw; and others.

Given at Tregfarnet, Sunday after the Feast of All Saints (4 November), [?1313].
Dyddiad4 November [?1313]
Extent1 item
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