Rhif Cyf AmgMOST/1627/16
TeitlQuitclaim of lands and tenements formerly beloinging to Ieuan ap Iollyn ap Llwelyn in the commote of Nanheudoy
Disgrifiad1. Ieuan ap Meredudd ap Llewleyn ap Iollyn, late of Penguern, and Gronw ap Meredudd ap Llewelyn ap Iollyn, late of the same place.
2. David ap Howel Lloit of Penguern.

Quitclaim of lands and tenements formerly beloinging to Ieuan ap Iollyn ap Llwelyn in the commote of Nanheudoy.
Witnesses: Robert Irlond, deputy [?steward] of the lordship of Chirk; Thomas ap Llewelyn ap Atha, one of the ringilds of Isclaudd; Hoell and Llewelyn ap Atha; and others.
Given at Penguern, 1 May 6 Henry VII. Seals (2)
Dyddiad1 May 1491
Extent1 item
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