Rhif Cyf AmgMOST/1627/7
TeitlGift of all the said Iorwerth's lands and tenements in the townhsip of Pengwern
Disgrifiad1. Iorwerth Vicha, son of Iorwerth ap David.
2. Iorwerth, son of Madoc ap David.

Gift of all the said Iorwerth's lands and tenements in the townhsip of Pengwern.
Witnesses: Howell ap Ieuaf ap Adaf; Lewelin ap Ywein; Einion ap Adaf ap David; and others.
Given at Llangollen, Monday the morrow of Epiphany (8 January), 1347.
Dyddiad8 January 1347
Extent1 item
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