Rhif Cyf AmgMOST/3519
TeitlGift of one piece of land with a garden adjoining within the liberties
Disgrifiad1. William Bodringham, burgess of Hardelagh.
2. Viuian Palgous, burgess of Hardelagh.

Gift of one piece of land with a garden adjoining within the liberties of the town of Hardelagh, lying in breadth between the highway leading from Hardelagh towards Llanveir and the common land, and in length from a place called Kerryk lloydon to the land of John Pelle.

Witnesses: John Salghall, constable of the castle of Hardelagh and mayor of the town;
Dickon Clidrow and John, son of Roert Holond, bailiffs of the said town;
Viuian [sic] Holond and Henry Colier.
Given at Hardelagh, Whit Sunday (1 June) 16 Henry VI.
Seal pendant (incomplete).
Dyddiad1 June 1438
Extent1 item
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