Rhif Cyf AmgMOST/3580
TeitlDeed to declare the uses of a fine of a burgage or messuage
Disgrifiad1. John Thompson the eldeer of Hardleigh, co. Meruoneth, gent., Mary, his wife, Owen Nicholas ap Morgan of Kefn Trevor, co. Merioneth, gent., and John Thomson the younger, son and heir of the said John Thompson the elder and Mary.
2. Gruffith Vaughan of Corsygedol, co. Merioneth, esq.
3. Phellipp ap John Thomas of Llanaber, co. Merioneth, gent

Deed to declare the uses of a fine of a burgage or messuage lying between a garden and lands of Sir William Morice, kt., and certain lands of the said John Thompson the elder;
another burgage or messuage called y Ty ymhen y brynn, alias yr skybor ym mhen y bryn;
a garden called gardd y ffynhonie;
two closes called Kay Canol and Kay gibon;
meadow or turbary called y korselwyn duy and y gorse ganol, lying between the meadow of the said Gruffith Vaughan and a meadow of John Thompson the elder called llanerch sidan, and extending in length from another meadow of John Thompson called y gorse vawr to a little meadow of his called y weirglodd bach dan y lan;
and another meadow called yr acre newydd, all in the township and liberties of Hardleigh.
Dyddiad3 October 1613
Extent3 October 1613
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