Rhif Cyf AmgPAG/1
TeitlPapers of Almeric Hugh, Baron Queenborough
Extent57 items
AdminHistory1st Baron Queenborough, born London 14 March 1861. Son of General Lord Alfred Henry Paget, C.B. and Cecilia Wyndham; educated at Harrow; m. 1 Pauline Whitney 1895 (deceased), 2 Edith Starr Millar, 1921 (deceased); five daughters. President Eastern Provincial Division of the National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associations, 1909-1946; President, National Unionist Organization, 1928-1929. Parliamentary Provincial Whip for Eastern and Home Counties, 1911-1946. Fellow Corpus Christi College, Cambridge; President, Royal Society of St. George. High Sheriff of Suffolk, 1909. M.P. for Cambridge, 1910-1917
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