Rhif Cyf AmgPAG/4
TeitlPapers of Marjorie, Lady Anglesey
Extent98 items
AdminHistoryLady Marjorie Paget (Nee Manners), Marchioness of Anglesey; eldest daughter of 8th Duke of Rutland Henry Manners; b.1883; christened Victoria Marjorie Harriet; writer on art , illustrator and member of peerage; m. 6th Marquis of Anglesey Charles Paget in 1912; 6 children. Coauthored an in-depth study on painter Johan Zoffany with art historian G.C. Williamson, p. 1920; coauthored a study of Angelica Kauffman, painter and founding member of Royal Academy of Arts; authored a study of William Peters, portrait and genre painter; illustrated Alicia Amherst’s London Parks and Gardens p. 1907.
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