Alt Ref NoBMSS/39767
TitleDiary of William Thomas Bason
DescriptionBason mainly mentions workplaces, prayers, talks with members of the church community and readings in the evenings.Also, Bason increasingly begins to remark upon social topics and social injustice.
Long description of a prayer, a "talk with God", in which he learns that all the hardships and troubles of the past months have had a purpose and that theyhave been his school masters. He seems to have drawn a lot of strength and energy from that revelation (16 Sept 1910).
Talks about forming a brotherhood (12 Oct 1910). Bason and a brother Baker are tasked with finding out how many interested men could be found.
A year as superintendent of the school ends and Bason gives a positive summary (1 Jan 1911). The before mentioned brotherhood is founded and Bason is made secretary.
Complaints about the "hard birth" of the brotherhood, the caretaker and chapel steward seem to oppose the brotherhood (17 Jan 1911).
Bason nearly gets killed by a train in a tunnel, due to a malfunctioning signal that he wanted to repair (25 Jan 1911)
On his way to work, Bason sees four prisoners being "led like beasts" to the train, headed for work prison (27 Jan 1911). He states that nine out of ten criminals can be brought back onto their right tracks with kind words.
Listened to a speech by Marc Pearce and it brought Bason much good (16 March 1911).
Comments on Lloyd George's Insurance scheme (3 May 1911).
Mentions the success of a women's demonstration in Wales concerning women's right to vote (19 June 1911).
Date16 September 1910- 6 July 1911
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