Alt Ref NoBMSS/39768
TitleDiary of William Thomas Bason
DescriptionMentions of a conversation at the workplace, Bason questioned a co-worker about using "unclean language" (11 July 1911). He also used a unclean expression about a woman and later Bason feels weak for not defending the honour of a woman.
Bason writes that he "has had a trying time through this last week", following the death of his newborn daughter (20 July 1911).
Receives a present, the book 'A Memoir of Mr. William Carvosso' (9 Aug 1911). Mr Carvosso was a Wesleyan minister and leader in Cornwall. Bason states that he wants to "know these great souls".
Bason talks of praying "that God would use me to win souls for Christ" (15 Nov 1911). He talks about the heart of compassion he has for the homes that are full of sin and misery.
Mention of Bason's support of socialism (6 May 1912): he states that he talked with God about the social movement in the country, and that the workers have realized their power.
An account of a discussion at the workplace about women's rights (3 July 1912). He argues that the 'window smashers' are only a small proportion of women and it "would not be right to keep the vote from all women because of a few".
Date11 July 1911- 31 August 1912
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