Alt Ref NoBMSS/39770
TitleDiary of William Thomas Bason
DescriptionThe first entry contains Bason's reflection over the past year and his thank to God for leading him (1 Jan 1914).
The death of Ada, Ellen's sister, is mentioned, and the painful experience of seeing a young woman be buried (5-9 March 1914).
Bason is asked to take a service at a church as their preacher for the day is absent (12 April 1914). After thinking if they will pay him or not, Bason goes to his room to pray about this "selfish thought".
He describes the breakout of the war as "an outrage to humanity, an insult to God." Bason asks why we are at war (Oct 1914).
Date1 January 1914- 13 November 1914
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