Alt Ref NoBMSS/39772
TitleDiary of William Thomas Bason
DescriptionThis journal contains a summary in April 1916 when leaving Hengoed to come to Bala and diary entries of 1919 to 1921. It also contains an invitation letter (dated January 24th 1921) to the Conference of District Councils of the National Union of Railwaymen.
In the summary of April 1916 Bason mentions his departure from Hengoed, his new work on the lines in the Birmingham area, and his move to Bala. He then goes on to describe Bala; in the midst of beautiful mountains, with hills and streams, the poor social conditions, the cramped living conditions. As a member of the Trade Union Branch, Bason organizes public meetings. However, the Press attack Bason for being a Revolutionary and an Englishman. He then goes on to describe the people, religion and Trade Union of Bala.
Together with five other people, Bason starts a Wesleyan cause in Bala (19 Oct 1919).
One can clearly see the socialist in Bason's character emerging. He expresses that he cannot see a future for the present capitalist system and it that it must be changed. Listed are the branches of the National Labour Party that Bason has opened in the county.
Date19 October 1919- 2 May 1921
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