Alt Ref NoBMSS/39773
TitleDiary of William Thomas Bason
DescriptionIn this diary Bason's interests appear to have shifted from the religious passion of earlier diaries to the affairs of the National Union of Railwaymen, Labour Party politics and the Bala Urban District Council. However, he continues to deliver sermons on Sundays.
States that he is elected to the Executive Committee, NUR Liverpool and N.Wales District Council (16 Jan 1922).
Bason describes his visits to Unity House in London where he is reappointed to Sectional Council for two years (5-9 May 1923).
Bason explains that Ellen has been in hospital undergoing an operation to remove a growth in her breast. He talks fondly of his fellow railway men who offered to ease him of any financial difficulties (26 August 1923).
Mentions of attending various Education and Social Union, Railway Councils, Union of Mineworkers and Labour Party meetings (Jan-March 1924).
Date16 January 1922- 10 May 1924
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