Alt Ref NoBMSS/39778
TitleDiary of William Thomas Bason
DescriptionRegular references to his children, religion, and the breakout of war are found in this diary.
The first entry contains the sad news of Bason's mother's death (1 Jan 1938). She passed away nearly a year before this diary entry. Bason also mentions three of the family's hospital admissions in the past year; Nell, and Jack, and Bason's own operation for a rupture.
Following a conversation with Jack, his son, about God, Bason goes on to express and explain his feeling for God (18 Oct 1938).
After a disappointing turnout at the service on Sunday, Bason feels low and does not understand why the people keep away. He asks whether it might be because he is a layman (16 May 1939).
With the breakout of war, a Special Committee Meeting is held to deal with the Minister's correspondence on protection against bombs and gas. Locations for protection are suggested. Bason expresses his feelings on the war. He finds it difficult to understand the people that are unconcerned about the war, and hopes "that those in charge of affairs are masters of their work" (Sept 1939).
Date1 January 1938- 8 April 1940
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