TitlePapurau a nodiadau - Manon Lewis, Harlech - papers and notes
DescriptionPrif gynnwys y casgliad yw llyfrau nodiadau pwnc Manon Lewis tra'n astudio ym Mhrifysgol Bangor rhwng 1930-34. Ei phynciau oedd Cymraeg, Hanes ac ieithoedd. Ceir rhai eitemau personol megis lluniau, llythyrau geirda a'r deyrnged a draddodwyd iddi ar ddydd ei hangladd. Bu iddi gystadlu yn yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol ar ddau achlysur ac y mae'r llawlyfrau y bu iddi eu cynhyrchu yn rhan o'r casgliad hwn sef 'Llawlyfr Hanes Cymru 1400-1700' a detholiad o farddoniaeth gaeth.

The main content of the collection are Manon Lewis' subject notebooks while studying at Bangor University between 1930-34. Her subjects were Welsh, History and languages. There are some personal items such as photographs, reference letters and the tribute paid to her at her funeral service. She competed in the National Eisteddfod on two occasions and the booklets that she produced are part of this collection - one on Welsh history 1400-1700 and the other a selection of strict metre poetry.
Date1920au - 1997
AdminHistoryGanwyd Manon Lewis yn Lerpwl ar 30 Ebrill, 1911, yn unig blentyn i rieni o Gymry Cymraeg - ei mam yn wreiddiol o Gerrigydrudion a'i thad o Gwmystwyth yng Ngheredigion. Cafodd ei haddysg yn Lerpwl a bu'n ddisgybl yn 'Queen Mary High School' Lerpwl cyn symud i Brifysgol Bangor ym 1930 a graddiodd yn y Gymraeg yn 1934.

Cafodd ei swydd ddysgu gyntaf fel athrawes Gymraeg, Lladin a Hanes yn Ysgol Ramadeg y Bermo ym 1941. Pan symudodd yr ysgol ramadeg o'r Bermo i Harlech a dod yn Ysgol Ardudwy, symudodd Manon Lewis i'r ysgol honno ac ennill dyrchafiad yn ei thro fel Dirprwy Brifathrawes. Bu yn y swydd honno hyd ei hymddeoliad. Bu farw ym 1997.

Manon Lewis was born in Liverpool on 30 April, 1911, an only child of Welsh speaking parents - her mother originated from Cerrigydrudion and her father from Cwmystwyth, Ceredigion. She was educated in Liverpool and was a pupil at Queen Mary High School in the city before moving to the University at Bangor in 1930. She graduated in Welsh in 1934.

Her first teaching post was as a teacher of Welsh, Latin and History at Barmouth County Grammar School in 1941. When the granmmar school moved from Barmouth to Harlech and became Ysgol Ardudwy, Manon Lewis moved to the new school and was later promoted to the post of Deputy Headmistress. She remained in this post until her retirement. She died in 1997.
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