Alt Ref NoGARTHA/275
TitleInventory of the goods, chattells, rights and Creditts late belonging to John Wynne of the parish of St. Margaret Moses, late Citizen and Mercer of London, deceased, valued and appraised by John fforest, Owen Clutton, Joseph Kettle and John Leach, Goldsmith, Citizens of London.
DescriptionIncludes Shop Goods such as "a parcel of Cutt Tobacco containing one thousand Eight hundred sixty one pounds, Seaven hogsheads of Leafe Tobacco net three thousand Seaven hundred twenty four pounds, Two hundred of old Spanish and a parcell of Tobacco Stalks"; also "a muskett and Bandileers, a sword and belt"; John Wynne's clothes: "a Livery Gowne and hood three Cloth Coates one Cloth Wastcoate one Stuff Wastcoate and two pair of Britches two pair Stockings two hatts two perruques five shirts and some old Linnen"; a list of debts owing to John Wynne at the time of his decease from 148 people and companies, and a list of debts owed by John Wynne to 23 people or companies; also an account of funeral expenses, and a memorandum that "about Eleaven Hundred pounds of the debts last abovemencioned to be Oweing to the Testator are not likely to be ever received".

Parchment roll, 13cm by 12.23 metres.
Date21 February 1705/6
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