Alt Ref NoGARTHA/609
TitleCopy Will of Robert William Wynne of Garthewin, co. Denbigh, Esq.
DescriptionTestator asks to be "decently interred" in the Garthewin family vault in Llanfairtalhayarn Church, the funeral to be attended by 12 of his principal tenants, fitted out in "a suit of Mourning and hatbands and gloves" at the expense of the Testator's personal estate.

He gives £11,633-13-2 3% Consolidated Bank Annuities, and £500 East India Stock to William Hanmer of Bodnob, co. Denbigh, Esq., and John Bamford Hesketh of Bryndulas, co. Denbigh, Esq., his appointed Trustees. The Bank Annuities are to be held in trust, the dividends to be paid to the Testator's wife's kinsman Charles Johns Sampson Esq., of Aberdenant, co. Carnarvon, for his life, and after his death the capital is to be held in trust and divided among his children in equal shares, or if there are no children, among Charles Sampson's appointees, or if there are no appointees, it is to become part of the residue of the Testator's personal estate. The East India Stock is to be held upon similar trusts, the beneficiary being the Testator's wife's kinswoman Caroline Peake, wife of Mr. John Peake of Woodstock, co. Oxford, and her children or appointees. In both cases the stock can be sold and reinvested in other securities, with the beneficiaries' consent in their lifetimes, but the trusts remain the same.

Testator devises all his lands in the parishes of Llannor, Denio and Treflis, co. Carnarvon, and in Llandulas, co. Denbigh, and also Bryn Gole in the parish of Gwytherin, co. Denbigh, Tyddyn Chatham in the parish of Llanwadd, co. Carnarvon, and Bryntreflir in the parish of Llandwrog, co. Carnarvon, in trust for his kinsman Robert Wynne of Bronywendon, co. Denbigh, Gent., for his life, and after his death for his son or sons, or daughter or daughters and their heirs, with Frances, wife of Robert Wynne, having a life interest in Bronywendon, and also an annuity of £200 should she survive her husband. In default of such issue, the estate is to devolve upon the same trusts as in the next bequest:

Testator devises all the rest of his real estate in trust for his kinsman Brownlow Wynne Cumming, Esq., only son of George Cumming, M.D., for his life, and after his death for his son or sons, or his daughter or daughters, and their heirs. In default of such issue, for Robert William Wynne and his heirs; in default of such issue for Robert George Wrench, son of the Rev. Harry Ovendon Wrench of Overton, co. Flint, and his heirs; in default of such heirs to the Testator's right heirs.

In the event of a minority, the Trustees are to receive the rents and profits and apply part of them to the nomination and education of the minor. The residue is to be invested and used for the purchase of other lands. Brownlow Wynne Cumming is entitled to charge his lands with a yearly rent charge of no more than £600 to be held in trust for his wife.

All the devised premises except Garthewin House may be let out for terms of no more than 21 years.

With respect to the lands devised to Brownlow Wynne Cumming, all owners must firstly take and use the surname and arms of Wynne, secondly have Garthewin House as their principal and usual place of residence, and thirdly not let out Garthewin House, or else their right of inheritance will become void.

Testator bequeaths the following annuities: to Miss Diana Edwards of Plasllewelyn, Spinster, £300; to his kinsman the Rev. Philip Wynne Yorke, £200; to his kinsman Robert Wynne Yorke, Esq., £100; to the two last-named's sister Miss Diana Wynne Yorke, £50; to his Housekeeper Sarah Hopwood, £40; to his Butler Edward Williams, £40; to Alice Parry, his late mother's servant, now at Garthewin, £40; to his Steward John Owen of Tyn' y Frith, £40; to his Footman Thomas Hughes, £30; to his servant Mary Burthinshaw (?), £50; to his servant Ann Evans, £12, all to be charged out of the lands devised to Brownlow Wynne Cumming.

Also the following legacies: to Lucy Margaret Cumming, wife of George Cumming, £500; to each of George Cumming's daughters Helen Diana Wrench and Lucy Caroline Cumming, £500; to his kinsman Alfred Hemans Esq., £500; to Diana Edwards of Plas Llewelyn, £300; to John Oldfield of Farm, co. Denbigh, Gent., £200; to each of his Trustees, £100; to his Agent Joseph Lee of Redbrooke Esq., £100; to Pierce Wynne Yorke, £50; to Diana and Margaret Yorke, £50; to Frances Editha Arm of Mickle Gate, City of York, Widow, £50; to Jennet Hanney of Wigtown, Spinster, £50; to Maria Kent, Widow of the Rev. William Kent late of Whitchurch, co. Salop, deceased, £20; to William Corbert Kent of Whitchurch, £20; to John Salisbury his late gardener, £20; to his Coachman Hugh Roberts, if in service, £20; to each of his servants living with him, one year's wages, all to be charged upon his personal estate and effects.

Testator also bequeaths "all my Jewels and Trinkets" to Lucy Margaret Cumming, all "Books, Paintings, Drawings, Prints of various kinds and minerals which did belong to my dear Wife" to Charles Johns Sampson, and all his personal estate and effects, household goods, stocks and securities to Brownlow Wynne Cumming, who is appointed as the sole Executor of the Will.

Memorandum that the Testator died on 30 November, 1842, and that the Will was proved on 5 January 1843, the Estate being sworn under £50,000.
Date5 June 1841
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