Alt Ref NoGARTHA/599
TitleProbate of the Will (24 May, 1733) of Robert Wynne of Gresford, D.D., Chancellor of St. Asaph.
DescriptionTestator asks to be "privately Interred" in Gresford Church in the same grave as his wife. He gives £20 to be distributed amongst the poor of the parishes of Gresford, St. Asaph, Llanufydd, Llansanfraid in Mechen, Denbigh, Llanrhaiader, Llanvair Talhaiarn and Llannor in Llûn.

He bequeaths £50 to his daughter, £50 to his grandson Ellis Lloyd, £400 to his grandaughter Margaret Lloyd as long as she reaches the age of 21 or marries with consent, £25 to his Son and daughter Lloyd "to put themselves and their Children in mourning", an annuity of £25 to his youngest son Richard Wynne, charged on the Testator's Real and Personal Estate, and also £500 to Richard Wynne provided he gives the Executors a Release and Discharge from the legacies bequeathed him by Ellis Lloyd Esq. and by the Testator's brother Richard Wynne. He also bequeaths to Richard Wynne the "Bed and furniture in the Room I lye over the Hall at Gresford, except what I may leave in the Scrutore in that Chamber", and another Bed "fit for servants". Also £50 each to Richard's children Robert, Margaret, Thomas and Richard, the amount payable to any who die to be shared out among the rest. He bequeaths all his Real and Personal Estate, goods, chattels and credits to his eldest son Robert Wynne of Garthewin, Esq., and £400 each to his three grandaughters Margaret, Diana and Lucy Wynne, but if the Garthewin Estate should come to any of them for want of male issue, then the legacy should pass to her surviving younger sister of sisters. He bequeaths his gold watch to Diana, wife of his son Robert.

Testator declares that if his son Robert has no male heirs, all the lands mentioned in a Marriage Settlement dated 14 June 1721 shall descend to Margaret, eldest daughter of Robert, and to her heirs, and in default of such heirs to the other daughters of Robert Wynne in order of seniority, but always reserving such a competency of fortune and portions to the younger daughters as is provided by the Settlement, such a Declaration making void the clauses in the Settlement in favour of his son Richard Wynne and his heirs.

He "Earnestly beseech[es] God to bestow and establish love peace and good will among all my Children and Grand Children", and recommends the services of his friends Sir William Williams of Llanvorda, Bart., and John Williams of Chester, Esq., in the resolving of any disputes. He also bequeaths £10 each to them "as a Small token of my Sincere Esteem for them", and remarks "After my most earnest Supplication to God for a portion of his Grace to my Children and Grand Children, without which all the provision I have or can make for them will be ineffectual..."

He appoints his son Robert Wynne as Executor of the Will, leaving him all the residue of his Estate. He also bequeaths £50 to his Grandson Robert Wynne of Garthewin.

First Codicil:
1734/5, Jan 24
Testator's son Richard Wynne having died, he desires that Richard's surviving children shall stand in his place as to the £500, part of which is to be used to pay the Legacies, providing that neither "they nor any of them do give to my Executor...any trouble about those Legacyes". He appoints Eubule Lloyd of Penylan Esq., his Grandson Ellis Lloyd, his son Robert Wynne of Garthewin Esq., and his nephew Richard Williams of Fron, M.A., to dispose of his bequests to the children until they come of age.

Second Codicil:
1737, Apr 5
Testator bequeaths £400 to his newly born grandaugther Elizabeth Wynne, subject to the same conditions of Survivorship as her sisters.

Third Codicil:
1738, Nov 16
Because of the effects of Interest while waiting for the youngest Grandaughter at Garthewin to come of age, the Testator bequeaths additional legacies: £100 to Margaret Wynne, £80 to Diana Wynne, and £60 to Lucy Wynne.

Fourth Codicil:
1740, May 15
Should Margaret Wynne inherit the Estate, it is to be charged for the benefit of her younger sister thus: if there is just one younger sister, with the sum of £2000; if two, then £2500; if three, then £3000, and in the same proportion should any other sister inherit. Also, the Testator has advanced the sum of £107-8-6 to place his Grandson Robert Wynne of Gresford a Clerk with Mr. Partington of Chester, Attorney at Law, and wishes that sum to be accounted in part to discharge his legacies and other benefits provided for him, to make his share with his brothers and sisters equal.

Fifth Codicil:
1743, Apr 15
Testator wishes the £60 spent by him to bind his grandson Thomas Wynne of Gresford as an apprentice to Alderman Brock of the City of Chester, Brazier, to go towards the discharge of Legacies and benefits bequeathed to him in the Will.
Date8 September 1743
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