Alt Ref NoGARTHA/753
TitleLetter: M. Gambier, Mayor of Gézaincourt, to the General of the 36th Division British Expeditionary Force, France, expressing regret at the news that the 10th Battalion Inniskilling Fusiliers under the command of Major Macrory, which the town had been lodging for the past month, are to leave, and commending the soldiers and officers for their exemplary behaviour.
DescriptionLetter: M. Gambier, Mayor of Gézaincourt, to the General of the 36th Division British Expeditionary Force, France, expressing regret at the news that the 10th Battalion Inniskilling Fusiliers under the command of Major Macrory, which the town had been lodging for the past month, are to leave, and commending the soldiers and officers for their exemplary behaviour. "Aucun plainte n'a été formulié contre eux; j'ajouterai même que nous étions pour eux de véritables amis et qu'il y avait de leur côté, réciprocité sincère de sentiments". He goes on to praise personally Major Macrory: "...le juste tribut de reconnaissance que nous lui devons - A vec le plus grande courtoisie et le plus louable empressement, il a toujours accueilli favourablement toutes nos demandes et mis des hommes à notre disposition pour le battage des récoltes", and he authorises the General to read the letter to the entire Battalion.

1916, Feb 12
Note from Major H.C. Singleton, D.A.A. and Q.M.G. of the 36th Division, to the 109th Infantry Brigade, forwarding the above letter, and adding, "The Divisional Commander desires me to say that he is highly gratified at receiving such a report".

"Well done 10th Derrys!! I am very pleased. T.E. Hickman, B'r G'ral 109th B'de, Feb. 13th. 16"
Date5 February 1916
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