Alt Ref NoMOST/717
TitleMortgage in the name of 'tir prid'
DescriptionMortgage in the name of 'tir prid' for an initial term of four years commencing on the Feast of All Saints (1 November) 2 Richard II, andsubsequently for quadrennial periods, of one messuage called Tithin David ap Ieuan Wadenok, four bovates of land in the township of Porthaythou, and half a gafel ('gavello') in the ferry and wier ('in passagio et gurgite') of the said township.

Consideration: £6 sterling.

Witnesses: Howell ap David ap Oweyn; Gruffudd Duy ap Llewelyn; Eignion Goch ap Llewelyn; David ap David Vachan; Gruffudd ap Eignion ap William; and others.

Given at Porthaythou the day and year aforesaid.

Seal pendant; red wax.
Date1 November 1378
Extent1 item
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