Alt Ref NoMOST/772
Description1. The Rt. Hon. Thomas Lord Viscount Bulkeley of Cashel.

2. Richard Bulkeley, son and heir of the said Thomas Lord Bulkeley.

Feoffment ('for the better enablinge of the said Richard Bulkeley to convey the messuages, lands and hereditaments herein after specified to such is agreed between them') of a park in Bodvilog, Llandegvan and Bewmares containing 300 acres called Redhill Parke, a messuage, tenement and lands in Crymlyn heilin, Crymlyn wastrodion and Llansadwrn called Botiortherch;
lands in Bewmares and Bodinew called Rhos y frances;
a messuage, tenement and lands called Penrhydynen;
lands near the church of Llanvaes;
fields and grounds near the Fryars in Llanvaes and the liberties of Bewmares; a messuage, tenement and lands in Bewmares;
lands and grounds in Bewmares called Kayeysaeson and Bramptons fields;
a messuage, tenement and lands in Mathavarn wyon called Plas Gronow ycha;
a messuage, tenement and lands in Mathavarn wyon called Plas Gronow issa;
a messuage, tenement and lands in Llanddyfnan and Castellbwlchwyn called Tythyn y crydd, and a mill there called Melin y Marchon;
a messuage, tenement and lands in Castellbwlchwyn called Tythyn y Bwlchgwyn; a messuage, tenement and lands in Castellbwlchwyn called Fishers tenement; a messuage, tenement and lands in Mathavarn wyon called Cwnninger;
a messuage, tenements and lands in Llanddyfnan called Pryssan;
a messuage, tenement and lands in Llanvairmathavarn itha; another messuage, etc. there called Carreg landeg; another messuage, etc. there;
a messuage, etc. in Pentraith called Tan y mynydd; tenements and lands in Pentraith now or late in the tenure of Rowland Jones, gent,;
a messuage, etc. in Llandegvan called Byarth Gilbert; another messuage, etc. there; tenements and lands there called Bryn llech; another messuage, etc. there;
another messuage, etc. there called Havod wen; another messuage, etc. there called Errow Las;
another messuage, etc. there adjoining Errow las; a messuage and lands in Llaniestin and Bodinew called Tythyn ffordd deg;
a messuage, etc. there called Tythyn Rees ap Hugh Lewis;
a messuage, etc. in Penwnllys and in the parish of Sainct Katherins, or one of them, called Bodva;
a mill in Penmon called Melyn y marchog, alias Melyn newydd, and the lands thereto adjoining;
a messuage, etc. called Y tu ynglan r afon and a water mill in Llan Elian called Melyn Elian;
a messuage, etc. in Llanddona and Crafgoed, or one of them, called Pentre y llwyn;
and a messuage, etc in Crymlyn heilin and Crymlyn wastrodion, or one of them, called Cremlyn ucha.
Date29 December 1648
Extent1 item
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