Alt Ref NoMOST/773
Description1. Adaph Du ap Adaph ap Yorwerth; and Goronu ap Madoc ap Yorwerth, both of Arllequed Yssaph.

2. Gwigenau son of Tudur ap Goronu. [Note: Prof. Melville Richards suggests the reading "Gwigenau" for 'g'g'.]

Mortgage ('tir-prid') for an initial term of 4 years from the feast of St Michael, 1320, of lands called penryndunchad, together with lands mortgaged to the said Adaph and Goronu by their uncles, in the commote of Dyndaethw, co. Anglesey.

Consideration - 54s.

Witnesses - Yorwerth ap Gwyn; Llewelyn ap Eynnon; Llewelyn ap Ywein; Gowgon ap Meuric; Gruffyt ap Hywel ap Tudyr; Tudyr ap Llywelyn; Goronu ap Ryrid; and others.

Given at Beaumaris; III Ides July ("t'cio yd' iulii"), i.e., July 17; during the sitting at Beaumaris of Sir Roger de Mortimer then Justice of Wales ("sede' te d'no Rog'o de mort'm' t'c iust' wall' i'eade' villa").
Date17 July 1320
Extent1 item
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