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Collapse BMSSXXI - General Collection of Bangor Manuscripts - Volume XXI
Casgliad Cyffredinol o Lawysgrifau Cymru - Cyfrol XXIBMSSXXI - General Collection of Bangor Manuscripts - Volume XXI Casgliad Cyffredinol o Lawysgrifau Cymru - Cyfrol XXI
39497 - Ledger of the Croesor Slate Quarry, Merionethshire
39498 - Llyfr cyfrifon Capel Annibynwyr Y Ganllwyd, Dolgellau
39499 - Letter from Dr H.G. Alun Hughes, Alwen, Uwch y Llan, Cerrigydrudion on behalf of the Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Wales to Ms Kay Jenkins of The Electoral Commission, Wales
39500 - Llythyr oddi wrth Waldo Williams (1904-1971) at Mignedd [Gwilym R. Jones] fel ymateb i sylw a wnaeth Gwilym R. Jones yn ei golofn "Ledled Cymru" am "yr anhawster a gâi grwp ohonom (aelodau o Ddosbarth Llenyddol y Rhyl) i ddeall rhai llinellau o'r gerdd "Mewn Dau Gae".
39501 - Register of persons entitled to vote in the election of a Member of Parliament for the borough of Carnarvon and for the boroughs of Conway, Bangor, Pwllheli, Criccieth and Nevin
39502 - Llythyrau (5) oddi wrth Thomas Richards at R. Ivor Jones
39503a - Essay examining the story of Jane Williams of Cynwyd, 1845-1868, also known as "Yr eneth gadd ei gwrthod" who features in the ballad by John Jones, Llew o'r Wern. This study was written by Hartmut G. Rentsch of Germany and is the fruit of over 15 years of research.
39503b - Photographs (5) of Cynwyd Church and Churchyard and of the gravestone of Jane Williams together with accompanying letter
Expand 39504 - Documents relating to William Evans, 1860-1925, cabinet maker of 155 High Street, Bangor39504 - Documents relating to William Evans, 1860-1925, cabinet maker of 155 High Street, Bangor
39505 - Atgofion Ernest Roberts am gysylltiad yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol â'r Arwisgo ym 1969. Sonnir am y cythrwfwl ynglyn â cherdd Cynan "Tywysog Gwlad y Bryniau" ac fel y bu raid iddo ei newid am gerdd arall "Gogoniant i Gymru" yn wyneb gwrthwynebiad disgyblion Ysgol Maes Garmon a Glan Clwyd i'w chanu yn yr Eisteoddfod Genedlaethol a gynhelid yn y Fflint y flwyddyn honno. Yn cynnwys copi llawysgrif o'r gerdd "Gogoniant i Gymru" yn llaw Cynan a dderbyniodd Ernest Roberts ar 5 Mehefin 1969. Drwy law y diweddar Dyfnallt Morgan, 13 Awst 1985.
39506 - Ffeil o bapurau yn ymwneud â : (i) Achos llys ym Mangor yn erbyn Dafydd Orwig a'r Parch John Owen am beidio talu trwydded deledu fel rhan o'r brotest i gael ffurflenni Cymraeg.Cafwyd y ddau yn euog ond penderfynodd y Fainc, o dan Gadeiryddiaeth Ernest Roberts, eu rhyddhau yn ddiamod. Cythruddodd hyn adran yr Arglwydd Ganghellor a cheir gohebiaeth rhyngddynt ag Ernest Roberts (ii) Ffeil o doriadau papurau newydd ynglyn â brwydr yr iaith rhwng Ernest Robert a Robyn Lewis Drwy law Dyfnallt Morgan, 15 Mai 1980
39507 - Christmas cards initialled "K.W." [Kyffin Williams] and inscribed "Pryderi a'r moch". Linocut in dark green ink. 18 x 12.5 cms One is blank One is sealed with 2 pieces of tape and inside is written "Nadolig Llawen John"
39508 - Portfolio of watercolours painted by Margaret Louisa Wyatt
39509 - Papers relating to the proposed Military Acquisition of land in Merioneth for extension of the Trawsfynydd Camp
Expand 39510-39511 - Railway memorabilia donated by Tom Sherratt of Warrington39510-39511 - Railway memorabilia donated by Tom Sherratt of Warrington
Expand 39512-39565 - Sgriptiau a gasglwyd gan John Gwilym Jones, 1904-1988 yn ystod ei yrfa. 39512-39565 - Sgriptiau a gasglwyd gan John Gwilym Jones, 1904-1988 yn ystod ei yrfa.
39566 - Minute book of the Bangor Dialectical Society
39567 - Mapiau O.S. chwe modfedd o ardal Eryri (copiau lliw)
39568 - Postcards relating to village halls in Aberdaron, Llanrug and Llanystumdwy etc.
39569 - Photographs (2) of Bangor station, Upper Bangor and part of High Street, taken from Bangor Mountain
39570 - Ffotograff o ddarlun o John Morris-Jones (1864-1929) gan Gertrude M. Coventry (1886-1964), c. 1920au
39571 - Pamphlet "Finnish Sailors in British Forests" by Frank Large and Michael Stammers
39572 - CD containing several colour film clips of trains throughout the UK
39573 - Application for the Nobel Prize in Literature on behalf of Mr Saunders Lewis
39574 - Ffeil o bapurau yn ymwneud â gwerthu casgliad llyfrau Coleg y Bala
39575 - Llythyr oddi wrth Archesgob Caergaint, Rowan Williams at Einion Thomas, Archifydd y Brifysgol
39576 - Translation into English of the speech given by Peredur Lynch on the occassion of Professor Gwyn Thomas becoming an Honorary Fellow of Bangor University
39577 - Llyfryn printiedig : "Afiechydon Anfoesoldeb neu Bla Ffyrnig y V.D. ei hanes, natur, effeithiau, triniaeth, a'r modd i'w atal"
39578 - Photocopied article from the Daily Post relating to the life of Sydney Wignall
Expand 39579-39585 - Gohebiaeth Evan Thomas, Y Wladfa39579-39585 - Gohebiaeth Evan Thomas, Y Wladfa
Expand 39586-39614 - Papurau R. Festyn Davies a'r Welsh Imperial Singers39586-39614 - Papurau R. Festyn Davies a'r Welsh Imperial Singers
39615 - Llyfr nodiadau o eiddo J.E. Griffiths, Bryndinas, Bangor ac ynddo gasgliad o hwiangerddi
Expand 39616-39660 - Papers of Major W.P. Wheldon, 1879-196139616-39660 - Papers of Major W.P. Wheldon, 1879-1961
Collapse 39661-39716 - UCNW Papers relating to the First World War39661-39716 - UCNW Papers relating to the First World War
Expand 1 - Education and Military Service1 - Education and Military Service
Expand 2 - Staff and students involved in the War2 - Staff and students involved in the War
Expand 3 - Work of the College during the War3 - Work of the College during the War
Expand 4 - Roll of Service and Record of Service4 - Roll of Service and Record of Service
Collapse 5 - North Wales Heroes Memorial5 - North Wales Heroes Memorial
1 - "Memorial to the men of North Wales who have fallen in the War" Report from a meeting held at Rhyl to inaugurate a movement to commemorate the men of North Wales who had fallen in the War.
2 - "North Wales Heroes' Memorial Fund" Memorial Council Meeting.
3 - "North Wales Heroes' Memorial" Minutes of the Executive Committee.
4 - "North Wales Heroes' Memorial" Memorandum. 'Points in favour of the lower site scheme.'
5 - (i.) Letter from D. Wynne-Thomas, M.S.A., Architect and Surveyor, Bolton, to W.P. Wheldon. Regarding the building of the Heroes' Memorial. (ii.) Plan (blue print) of the Memorial. (iii.) 'Articles of Agreement' between the Council of the North Wales Heroes' Memorial Fund and John Laing and Son, Ltd., Carlisle.
6 - Drawings and a Plan (2 items) of the North Wales Heroes' Memorial, Bangor. D. Wynne-Thomas, Architect, Bolton.
7 - Letter from D.Wynne-Thomas, Architect, to Major Wheldon.
8 - "North Wales Heroes' Memorial" Minutes of Memorial Council.
9 - Summary of Estimates UCNW North Wales Heroes' Memorial.
10 - Letter from H.C. Morris, Caernarvon to Major W.P. Wheldon, UCNW.
11 - Poster: "North Wales Heroes' Memorial - Visit of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, 1st November 1923"
12 - Admission Ticket to the Opening Ceremony of the Memorial Archway. (i.) Relatives (ii.) Gallery
13 - The Opening of the North Wales Heroes' Memorial Archway - Official Programme of the Proceedings.
14 - Official Programme - Choral and Orchestral Concert, Prichard-Jones Hall. Opening of the North Wales Heroes' Memorial Archway.
15 - Drawing (colour): North Wales Heroes Memorial (Bangor). Contractors: John Laing & Son, Ltd. Architect: Mr. D. Wynne-Thomas.
16 - Letter from A.J. Sylvester to Major Wheldon.
17 - Letter from Major W.P. Wheldon to an unknown recipient. Regarding names of men killed in the War who have not been included in original lists to be recorded on the panels in the Memorial Archway. (i.) English version. (ii.) Welsh version.
18 - Letter from an unknown author at UCNW (Wheldon?) to an unknown recipient.
19 - Subscriptions to the North Wales Heroes' Memorial - Summary
20 - Letter from William Edward Williams (Gwilym Rhug), Gorsedd Beirdd Ynys Prydain, to Major Wheldon.
21 - Notice to College Departments(?) from W.P. Wheldon, Secretary and Registrar, UCNW. Regarding the suspension of all class on Armistice Day from 10am - 12 noon, and the College remembrance ceremony.
22 - Booklet : Unveiling Ceremony of the Memorial to the Members of Staff & Students who fell in the War, 1914 - 1918.
Expand 39717-39718 - Papers of D. Geraint Griffith, Prestatyn39717-39718 - Papers of D. Geraint Griffith, Prestatyn
39719 - Postcards (3) of Bangor Cathedral
39720 - Photograph (b/w) of aerials on a house in Hirael, Bangor
39721 - Copi o gerddoriaeth 'Y Nefoedd (Heaven)'. Unawd â'r geiriau gan Ieuan Gwyllt a'r gerddoriaeth gan T. Osborne Roberts
39722 - Llyfr cerddoriaeth yn cynnwys nifer o ganeuon mewn hen nodiant ac mewn llawysgrifen. Enwir y perchennog fel John Griffiths, Ceunant, Llanrug
Expand 39723-39752 - Penrhyn Quarry Strike Letters - Daily Reports regarding attitudes from the Strikers and local people towards the Workmen who returned to work39723-39752 - Penrhyn Quarry Strike Letters - Daily Reports regarding attitudes from the Strikers and local people towards the Workmen who returned to work
39753 - Diary kept by Private Henry Owen, formerly No. 12698, A Company, 9th Battalion, Devonshire Regiment and No. 175870, 254th Company, Tunnelling Companies, Royal Engineers, whilst serving in France.
39754 - Papurau yn ymwneud â Benjamin Maelor Jones
39755 - Nodyn yn llaw William Owen, Yorkville, America
39756 - Autograph album of Thomas Jones, former Normal College student
39757 - Pennod mewn casgliad o atgofion gan D. Tecwyn Lloyd
Expand 39760-39764 - Minute books of the Welsh National Liberal Council / Welsh Liberal Association / Liberal Federation of Wales39760-39764 - Minute books of the Welsh National Liberal Council / Welsh Liberal Association / Liberal Federation of Wales
Expand 39765 - Papers of William Thomas Bason39765 - Papers of William Thomas Bason
Expand 39815-39845 - 31 Manuscripts (photocopies) addressed, for the most part, to William, First Baron Paget of Beaudesert [Plas Newydd Collection Addl]39815-39845 - 31 Manuscripts (photocopies) addressed, for the most part, to William, First Baron Paget of Beaudesert [Plas Newydd Collection Addl]
Expand 39846 - Papers of Iris Loveridge39846 - Papers of Iris Loveridge
Expand 39898 - Papers of Donald Dalley39898 - Papers of Donald Dalley
Expand 39960 - Papers of Haydn John39960 - Papers of Haydn John
Expand 39972 - Music Collection of Sydney Burkinshaw39972 - Music Collection of Sydney Burkinshaw
40068 - Paper entitled "Smelter's Choice : Ticketings and ore purchasing in Cornwall and Swansea, 1829-1834" by Tehmina Goskar and presented at an international workshop called "World of Copper" in Santiago, Chile
40069 - Cardiau post (2) ac arnynt lun a cherdd gan Glyn Myfyr
40070 - Photocopy of letter [typed and bearing signature] from Adolf Hitler to Dr Theodor Lewald, Head of the German Organising Committee of the Berlin Olympics
40071 - Caernarfon Labour Party Election Expenses
40072 - Minute book of the Bangor Dialectical Society
Expand 40073-40134 - Records of St Deiniol, Bangor Golf Club40073-40134 - Records of St Deiniol, Bangor Golf Club
Expand 40139-40141 - Adroddiadau Eglwys Annibynnol Carmel, Llanllechid40139-40141 - Adroddiadau Eglwys Annibynnol Carmel, Llanllechid
Expand 40142 - Record of the inspection of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission conducted in Anglesey, Conwy and Gwynedd40142 - Record of the inspection of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission conducted in Anglesey, Conwy and Gwynedd
40143 - Map of Wales "Cambriae Typus" by Humphrey Lhuyd [Llwyd]
40144 - Certificate in Professional work given to Miss Catherine Parry by the Elementary Training Department of UCNW together with 5 references by University lecturers, namely, John Morris-Jones, R.L. Archer, John Edward Lloyd, Edward V. Arnold and Caradog Roberts
40145 - Minute book of the Zoology Board of Studies
Expand 40146-40170 - Papurau a nodiadau - Manon Lewis, Harlech - papers and notes40146-40170 - Papurau a nodiadau - Manon Lewis, Harlech - papers and notes
40171 - Rhaglen Gwyl "My Friend Dylan Thomas" Festival Programme ynghyd â phoster a thaflen "Teyrnged i Dylan Thomas mewn cerdd a chân" gan John Rea a Mererid Hopwood wedi'i llofnodi gan Mererid Hopwood
40172 - Llyfr cofnodion Cymdeithas y Cynfyfyrwyr, Coleg Prifysgol Gogledd Cymru, Bangor / Minute book of the Old Student's Association of UCNW
40173 - Copy Photograph - Llyn Tegid Seals
Expand 40174-40187 - Theatr Gwynedd / Cwmni Theatr Gwynedd40174-40187 - Theatr Gwynedd / Cwmni Theatr Gwynedd
40188 - Llyfr addurniadol a gyflwynwyd i'r Parch. William Thomas ar ei ymddeoliad fel gweinidog yn Eglwys Seion, Llanrwst yn cynnwys datganiad o ddiolch gan yr aelodau, ffotograffau a lluniau o amryw adeiladau adnabyddus yn yr ardal
40189 - Penillion gan y Prifardd John Evans, Llanegryn o dan y teitl "I gyfarch ac i ddiolch i'r Parchedig J. Rice Rowlands ym more bach Sadwrn Hyd, 7 1972"
40190 - Llungopi o bamffled "Araith Mr Lloyd George ar Dwrch Trwyth Ewrob - Y frwydr yn erbyn barbariaeth"
40191 - Taflen gwybodaeth Cadw - Ty Neuadd Hafoty, Llansadwrn, Ynys Môn
40192 - Thomas Badeslade : his life and career from eastern England to north Wales
40193 - Cyfrol rwymedig "Y Canu Mawl i Deulu'r Penrhyn 1547-1628"
40194 - Bound typescript essay entitled "The School of Education University College of North Wales, 1894-1981" by [Dr] B.L. Davies
40195 - Cerdd goffa "Bedwyr" [Bedwyr Lewis Jones, 1933-1992] gan Gerallt Lloyd Owen wedi'i hargraffu ar bapur A3. Y cyntaf o 50 argraffiad
40196 - Sgript drama "Gadael Tir" gan Sutton Vane o Gymreigiad R. Williams Parry i'w pherfformio gan Gymdeithas Ddrama Gymraeg Coleg y Brifysgol, Bangor
40197 - Sgript drama dair act "Yr Anfarwol Ifan Harris" gan Idwal Jones, "Rhoslwyn", Lampeter, Ceredigion
40198 - Taflen agoriad swyddogol organ y Tabernacl, Caergybi
40199 - Taflen cymanfa ganu yng nghapel Hyfrydle, Caergybi
40200 - Ordnance survey map of the parish of Llanynghenedl
40201 - Ordnance survey map of Holy Island, Anglesey
40202 - Programme of a play entitled "Saved", being the fifth production in Theatre Gwynedd by the Drama Department of UCNW. Amongst the cast are Danny Boyle and Frances Brookes [a.k.a. Frances Barber], two former students of the English Department.
40203 - Copi buddugol yn Eisteddfod Nefyn Nadolig 1894 'Hanes Nefyn 1750 hyd yn bresennol' gan Hen Hanesydd a'r feirniadaeth gan J Evans
40204 - Municipal Corporations in England and Wales : Reports from Commissioners on the borough of Nevin and the borough of Pwllheli
40205 - Photograph of the royal party on the terrace at Baron Hill, Beaumaris
40206 - Thesis "Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in Wales during the Age of the Princes c. 1100-c.1283" presented for the degree of MA (School of History) of the University of Bangor by Shaun David McGuinness
40207 - Casgliad o gerddi gan Y Parch. R.R. Morris wedi'u hysgrifennu yn ei law ei hun
40208 - Llyfr cofnodion Dr William Morgan, Caergybi
40209 - Llythyr oddi wrth W.R. Davies, Cyngor Plwyf Pentir at Mr Arthur Jones, Bryn Coed, Shiloh, Y Felinheli
40210 - Article entitled 'A tale of two cousins' written by Martin Matthews
40211 - Postcard of Bangor University with surrounding buildings
40212 - Postcard of "The University and New Post Office" in Bangor which also features a World War I tank and an Austin 7 van belonging to the Bangor grocer, Palferman
40213 - Hand-made bound book entitled "Bookcrafts" produced by Llew Glyn Davies, a former student at Bangor Normal College
40214 - Report entitled "Damage to System by Bombs" describing 2 incidents (incident no. 15 and incident 97) where bombs were dropped by German planes during the Second World War in the Bethesda and Llanberis areas on 24 September 1940 and 6 March 1945.
40215 - Taflen Cymanfa Annibynwyr Môn a gynhaliwyd yng Nghaergybi
40216 - Llythyr oddi wrth Cathrine Roberts, U.D.A. (o "eithafodd tir y gorllewin") ar ei rhan hi a'i gwr, John Roberts at ei thad, David Thomas o Bont Newydd, Llanwnda, Sir Gaernarfon.
40217 - 2 World War II American Food Ration Coins
40218 - Traethawd Eisteddfodol gan John Rees Jones, Porthmadog ar y testun "Bywyd a gwaith y diweddar Athro R. Alun Roberts" ar gyfer Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Frenhinol Bro Dwyfor
40219 - Apprenticeship Indenture
40220 - Teacher's Certificate of Margaret Patricia Hobson [later Margaret Thompson] having been trained at UCNW, Bangor an institution approved by the National Froebel Union
40221 - "Map of Rhos [Denbighshire] as it was 60 years ago, with the houses and common names of the inhabitants" by John Platt / "Map o Rhosllannerchrugog [Sir Ddinbych]fel yr oedd 60 mlynedd yn ol, yn nghyda'r tai ac enwau cyffredin y trigolion" gan John Platt
40222 - Illuminated coming of age album, presented to Edward Owen Vaughan Lloyd of Berth and Rhagatt, Esq.
40223 - Llun tîm pêl-droed Coleg y Bala
40224 - Address presented to the Rev. William Hughes of Colwyn Bay, on his third departure for Africa
40225 - Bangor Dialectical Society Minute Book
40226 - Llyfr nodiadau o eiddo Richard Jones (Hedd Alaw / Rhyfelwr Bach) yn cynnwys "Braslun o hanes y diwydiant llechi yn ardal Bethesda"
40227 - Darlith / Sgwrs a ysgrifenwyd gan Thomas Williams (taid Glenys Jones) am chwarel Penrhyn
Expand 40228-40229 - Diaries of Elizabeth Clemence Heulwen Owen40228-40229 - Diaries of Elizabeth Clemence Heulwen Owen
40230 - Printed booklet "Beaumaris and District : Lives of those who died during the First World War, 1914-1918"
40231 - Cyfrol deipysgrif wreiddiol (heb ei rhwymo) o straeon byrion gan John Roberts Williams (John Aelod Jones)
40232 - Typescript booklet (unbound) entitled "Moelwyn Group"
40233 - Receipts and letters relating to the transportation of the remains of Sir Harry Reichel from Biarritz to Dublin
40234 - "History of the Buildings of Ruthin" by David Gareth Evans
40235 - Tune Book (Llyfr Pricio)
40236 - 'Old Bangor, 1700-1800'
Expand 40237-40238 - Patricia Lindsay Research Work40237-40238 - Patricia Lindsay Research Work
Expand 40239-40258 - Collection of sale catalogues and other documents relating to the sale of land in the counties of Anglesey, Caernarfon and Merioneth.40239-40258 - Collection of sale catalogues and other documents relating to the sale of land in the counties of Anglesey, Caernarfon and Merioneth.
40259 - Bangor Dialectical Society Minute Book
40260 - Bound booklet entitled "Souvenir of Port Dinorwic" containing 15 photographs (B/W) of various views of the village of Y Feliheli, Gwynedd
40261 - Photograph of Waterloo Bridge, Betws-y-Coed, Gwynedd taken from the river below. A horse and carriage can be seen crossing the bridge B/W
40262 - Photograph of Rhyl pier, North Wales
40263 - Postcard from Tom [?], Bangor to Miss Muriel Roberts, Heaton Moor near Stockport being a photograph of a cricket team [?Bangor, Gwynedd] outside a cricket pavilion
40264 - Llythyr oddi wrth Elsie [?], University College of North Wales, Bangor at Miss Parry, Ceidio, Rhuthun
40265 - Documents relating to the installation of H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh as Chancellor of the University of Wales and the Queen receiving an honorary Doctorate in Music at the University College of North Wales
40266 - Dissertation "Reconstructing the original context of dispersed records : A case study of the records of St Mary's Abbey, York, c. 1180 - c. 1529" by Peter James Young submitted for the degree of MA in Archives Administration at the University of Wales Bangor
40267 - Minute book of the Board of Examiners in Applied Mathematics at the University College of North Wales [UCNW]
40268 - Newspaper Article from the Liverpool Daily Post relating to the Queen's First Birthday Honours List
40269 - Photographs of Elizabeth and Alouette Isambard Owen
40270 - Minute Book of the German Departmental Board of the University College of North Wales
Expand 40271-40276 - Casgliad o lawysgrifau a dderbyniwyd trwy law Michael Wyn Williams, Caeathro / Collection of manuscripts received through the good offices of Michael Wyn Williams, Caeathro40271-40276 - Casgliad o lawysgrifau a dderbyniwyd trwy law Michael Wyn Williams, Caeathro / Collection of manuscripts received through the good offices of Michael Wyn Williams, Caeathro
40277 - Photographs of the interior of the County Theatre, Bangor when the house was run as a bingo hall Colour Photographer : Ted Bottle
Expand 40278 - Ffotograffau personol / teuluol yn perthyn i Elizabeth[?] [Elsie] Mary Owen o Rhyd, Talwrn
Du a gwyn40278 - Ffotograffau personol / teuluol yn perthyn i Elizabeth[?] [Elsie] Mary Owen o Rhyd, Talwrn Du a gwyn
Expand 40279 - Series of black and white photographs depicting Menai Bridge landmarks, scenes and people from the late 19th century to the 1930s40279 - Series of black and white photographs depicting Menai Bridge landmarks, scenes and people from the late 19th century to the 1930s
40280 - "Cofnodion o gyfarfodydd a gynhaliwyd gan y Parch A.E. Jones B.A. (Cynan) dan nawdd Coleg y Brifysgol yn Neuadd y Pentref, Cemaes" [Dosbarth Llenyddiaeth Gymraeg?]
Expand 40281-40298 - Personal & General Photographs belonging to the Garmon Jones Family (Eluned and William Garmon Jones)40281-40298 - Personal & General Photographs belonging to the Garmon Jones Family (Eluned and William Garmon Jones)
40299 - Llyfr cofnodion cangen Bangor o Urdd y Graddedigion, Prifysgol Cymru / Minute book of the Bangor Branch of the Guild of Graduates
Expand 40300-40301 - Dau rifyn o'r cylchgrawn "LOL" a gyhoeddwyd gan wasg y Lolfa40300-40301 - Dau rifyn o'r cylchgrawn "LOL" a gyhoeddwyd gan wasg y Lolfa
40302 - Pamphlet entitled "Symbolic Sculptures by John Robinson" which is a guide to the exhibition held in the inner quadrangle of the University College of North Wales by the sculptor
Expand 40303-40304 - Two photographs mounted on board possibly for a display on the subject of fishing40303-40304 - Two photographs mounted on board possibly for a display on the subject of fishing
Expand 40305-40319 - Idris Valentine Hunt, Agriculture Student UCNW40305-40319 - Idris Valentine Hunt, Agriculture Student UCNW
Expand 40320 - Personal collection of material relating to Katherine Wilson-Williams and her mother Catherine Elizabeth Davies40320 - Personal collection of material relating to Katherine Wilson-Williams and her mother Catherine Elizabeth Davies
40361 - Order of Service - In Loving Memory of Janet Marcia Rose Douglas Pennant (1923-1997)
Expand 40362 - Album of Memorabilia belonging to Miss M.O. Davies, Warden of Women Students, Halls of Residence, UCNW40362 - Album of Memorabilia belonging to Miss M.O. Davies, Warden of Women Students, Halls of Residence, UCNW
40363 - Reminicences of Neville Powell alumnus of U.C.N.W. Bangor 1946-1953
Expand 40364 - Personal collection of material relating to John Emrys Thomas, a former UCNW student40364 - Personal collection of material relating to John Emrys Thomas, a former UCNW student
Expand 40365 - Photographs of the North Wales Comrades Battalion in Training at Rhyl and Llandudno40365 - Photographs of the North Wales Comrades Battalion in Training at Rhyl and Llandudno
40366 - Recipe book
40367 - Spoof Insurance Policy wishing the recipient, a Mrs A. Young of Hoylake, "health, wealth and happiness and good cheer in abundance at Christmas and throughout the New Year
40368 - Survey of Presaddfed and Dronwy Estates in the several parishes of Bodedern, Llanynghenedle, Llanfachreth, Llanrhyddlad, Llanfechall, Llandrygan and Pentraeth in the county of Anglesey. Property of Sir John Bulkeley, Kt by Richard Owen
40369 - ?Christmas Card from David and Margaret Lloyd George comprising printed photographs of themselves, Caernarfon Castle and the Houses of Parliament, and a printed message
40370 - Atgofion Audrey Williams, Llanfechell am y ddrama bentref ym Môn
40371 - Three documents relating to the Excavations at the Ty Mawr Hut-cicles, Holyhead, Anglesey
40372 - Penillion coffa Will Evans (Tynllwyd) gan Hedd Wyn mewn amlen wedi'i chyfeirio at Richard Evans Esq., Tynllwyd Farm, Trawsfynydd
40373 - Postcards (2) of the Pen-y-Gwryd Hotel, Nantgwynant, north Wales B/W
40374 - Recollections and family photographs of Gertrude Jessy Glynne, Lady Penrhyn (1850-1940) by family members including a short history of Penrhyn [Castle] compiled by Carola Symington
40375 - Cyfrol "Y rhai a gollwyd yn y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf 1914-1918 (Bethesda a'r Cyffiniau)" gan C. Andre G. Lomozik
40376 - Photograph of the Mary Sutherland Memorial Redwood Plaque in New Zealand
40377 - Echins - Rag Record of the University College of North Wales, Bangor
Expand 40378-88 - Diaries of Barbara Roscoe 40378-88 - Diaries of Barbara Roscoe
40389 - Programme printed on silk of a performace at the Gaiety Theatre, Plas Newydd entitled "Passing Clouds" by Edward Vincent
40390 - Llythyr oddi wrth Thomas Parry at gyfaill
40391 - Article on the subject of the "Wills Memorial Building Tower" in Bristol and a hidden inscription, written by Prof. Howard Gethin Morgan, Bristol
40392 - Printed circular letter along with photographs from Paul Hughes, Chairman of The Friends of Kinmel Hall
Expand 40393 - Bwndel o lythyrau oddi wrth amryw ohebwyr at y Parch. E.R. Lloyd Jones, Deganwy (yn bennaf)40393 - Bwndel o lythyrau oddi wrth amryw ohebwyr at y Parch. E.R. Lloyd Jones, Deganwy (yn bennaf)
Expand 40394-6 - Papurau'r Parch. Dafydd Wyn Wiliam. Bodedern, Môn40394-6 - Papurau'r Parch. Dafydd Wyn Wiliam. Bodedern, Môn
40397 - Llyfr Cofnodion Cymdeithas Llywarch Hen, Coleg Prifysgol Gogledd Cymru
Expand 40398-40417 - Papurau Undeb Chwarelwyr Gogledd Cymru40398-40417 - Papurau Undeb Chwarelwyr Gogledd Cymru
Expand 40418 - Collection of photographs belonging to Elizabeth Anne Mason (known as Shirley Mason) former UCNW student of Mathematics40418 - Collection of photographs belonging to Elizabeth Anne Mason (known as Shirley Mason) former UCNW student of Mathematics
40419 - Bundle of copy b/w photographs relating to Bryn y Neuadd, Llanfairfechan taken c. 1910 by a Mr Evan Williams
40420 - Bundle of material relating to the Afon Ogwen / Nant Ffrancon River Restoration Project
40421 - Transcript of the war diary of A.D. Dodd (1891-1975) during the First World War, 1914-1919 by S.J. Walton
40422 - Portfolio of twelve photographs entitled 'Kyffin Williams 1987-2003' printed in an edition of six by Nicholas Sinclair
40423 - Photograph of David Lloyd George electioneering with a group outside 102-104 Upper Mostyn Street, Llandudno
40424 - Photograph o R. Williams Parry, Cynan, Gwynfor, D.T. Davies a Robert Stephen, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Pontypridd, 1926
40425 - Report "Marconi's Carnarvon Station 1914-1939. A journey into eary commercial wireless in north Wales" by John Rowlands FRS. Foreword by Karl-Arne Markstrom
40426 - Lecture "D. Emrys Evans and Classics in Wales" by Ceri Davies delivered at the Classical Association Conference at Swansea University in 2022
40427 - Sgript deipysgrif o'r ddrama "Gadael Tir" sef cyfieithiad gan R. Williams Parry o "Outward Bound" gan Sutton Vane ar gyfer Cymdeithas Drama Gymraeg, Prifysgol Bangor
40428 - Copi o ffotograff o'r awyr o Chwarel Dinorwig a dynnwyd yn 1942 gydag enwau'r ponciau wedi'u nodi arno [Aerial photograph of Dinorwic Quarry identifying all the galleries]
Expand 40429-40 - Papurau John Gwilym Jones, dramodydd (1904-1988) a oedd yng ngofal Alwyn a Jean Pleming 40429-40 - Papurau John Gwilym Jones, dramodydd (1904-1988) a oedd yng ngofal Alwyn a Jean Pleming
40441 - Traethawd teipiedig ar y testun "Daiareg [Daeareg] Sir Gaernarfon" a ysgrifenwyd gan Tom [Thomas] Jones, chwarelwr o Gapel Curig
40442 - Lease for a year
40443 - Map being a survey of the Bodednyfed estate in the pa. of Amlwch, Anglesey arranged in lots for sale
40444 - Catalogue of Welsh Ponies and Welsh Mountain Ponies, the property of Mrs H.D. Greene to be sold by auction at the Craven Arms Horse Repository [Shropshire] by Jackson & McCartney, Auctioneers, Craven Arms and Hereford
Expand 40445-6 - Two deeds relating to a Robert William in relation to land in the parish of Bangor [Gwynedd]40445-6 - Two deeds relating to a Robert William in relation to land in the parish of Bangor [Gwynedd]
40447 - Copiau o luniau o Chwarel Penrhyn, Bethesda / Copies of photographs of the Penrhyn Quarry, Bethesda
40448 - Miscellaneous group of photographs
40449 - Programme of a presentation of 'Aladdin and his wonderful lamp' by The Marquis of Anglesey's Company at the Gaiety Theatre, Anglesey Castle and printed on very thin tissue paper [described by depositor as a 'serviette']
40450 - Ph.D. Thesis 'Welsh Place-names in the earliest Arthurian texts' by Ruth Eloise Roberts submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Philosophy, Columbia University
40451 - Teipysgrif 'Pobl Ddawnus Ynys Môn' gan John Owen [Ioan Dyfnan] gyda rhagair gan Y Parch. A. Kyffin Morris, M.A., B.D., Llangefni
40452 - Sgript o ddrama un act 'Preimin y Pytiau' sef cyfaddasiad i'r Gymraeg o 'Puppet Show' (Syndey Box) gan Ellis Aethwy-Jones
40453 - Sgript o ddrama un act 'Hela'r Ysgyfarnog', J.O. Francis, cyfieithiad gan Leslie Harries
40454 - Three 'Prayer Circulars' from Rev. John Pengwern Jones, missionary based in Moulvibazar, South Sylhet, Bangladesh to Mr and Mrs O'Brien Owen
40455 - Annual Report of the Royal Society For the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals [R.S.P.C.A], West Carnarvonshire and Anglesey Branch
Expand 40456-532 - Cofnodion Capel Twrgwyn, Bangor Uchaf40456-532 - Cofnodion Capel Twrgwyn, Bangor Uchaf
Expand 40533-69 - 'Lleisiau'r Ail Ryfel Byd' : Trawsysgrifau o gyfweliadau â siaradwyr Cymraeg a oedd wedi byw trwy'r Ail Ryfel Byd40533-69 - 'Lleisiau'r Ail Ryfel Byd' : Trawsysgrifau o gyfweliadau â siaradwyr Cymraeg a oedd wedi byw trwy'r Ail Ryfel Byd
40570 - Plans of New Bethania C.M. Chapel, Portdinorwic [Y Felinheli] which includes front, side and back elevantions, cross-sections and ground plan
40571 - Poster of the Members of Parliament for Wales and Monmouthshire following the 1906 General Election
40572 - Playbill of the County Theatre, Dean Street, Bangor
40573 - Playbill of the County Theatre, Dean Street, Bangor
40574 - Photograph pasted onto cardboard of the unveiling of the L & N.W. Railwaymen's War Memorial to 3719 employees who fell in the Great War at the Euston Station Approach, London N.W. 1
40575 - Watercolour painting of a large house [unknown] with an intricate wooden porch and gable surrounded by trees by N.N. Solly [Nathaniel Neal Solly (1811–1895)]
40576 - Teyrnged gan Bera MacClement o Seland Newydd i'w mam, Rhiannon Silyn Roberts sef ymarfer ar gyfer cwrs dysgu Cymraeg
Expand 40577-96 - Paul Whalley Nature Diaries40577-96 - Paul Whalley Nature Diaries
40597 - Pamphlet entitled 'Gwybodaeth am Fudo : Gwyddor, Goddrychedd a Thirwedd / Migrating Knowledges : Science, Subjectivity and Landscape'
40598 - Programme of the 'Bangor Arts Festival' [Gŵyl Gelfyddydau Bangor]
Expand 40599-600 - Pecynnau dysgu am hanes merched Cymru a grewyd fel rhan o ‘Brosiect Grace’ rhwng 1992-1994 / Learning packages on the history of Welsh women created by ‘Project Grace’ between 1992-199440599-600 - Pecynnau dysgu am hanes merched Cymru a grewyd fel rhan o ‘Brosiect Grace’ rhwng 1992-1994 / Learning packages on the history of Welsh women created by ‘Project Grace’ between 1992-1994
40601 - Magazine : ‘Sŵd / Sood’, Volume 1, No. 1 – a magazine conceived at ‘The Globe’ in Upper Bangor intended as an outlet for all aspiring writers
Expand 40602-22 - Cylchgronau Ysgolion Amrywiol40602-22 - Cylchgronau Ysgolion Amrywiol
40623 - Minute Book of the Bangor Dialectical Society
Expand 40624 - Pamphlets relating to the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II40624 - Pamphlets relating to the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
Expand 40625-57 - Collection of photographs belonging to Glenys Hughes which relate mostly to her family and the community in and around the village of Bethesda40625-57 - Collection of photographs belonging to Glenys Hughes which relate mostly to her family and the community in and around the village of Bethesda
Expand 40658-67 - Recordiau darllen rhyddiaith a barddoniaeth (ail gyfres) a ddarparwyd gan Gyfadran Addysg Coleg y Brifysgol Bangor ynghyd â thaflen wybodaeth [Gweler hefyd BMSS/16432-16442]40658-67 - Recordiau darllen rhyddiaith a barddoniaeth (ail gyfres) a ddarparwyd gan Gyfadran Addysg Coleg y Brifysgol Bangor ynghyd â thaflen wybodaeth [Gweler hefyd BMSS/16432-16442]
40668 - Photograph album entitled "Views of North Wales"
40669 - Photographs of Charlotte Price White (née Bell), 1873-1932 and family
Expand 40670-1 - Papurau Dr Meirion Llewelyn Williams40670-1 - Papurau Dr Meirion Llewelyn Williams
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