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Collapse CEFND - Cefn Du ManuscriptsCEFND - Cefn Du Manuscripts
Expand 1-98 - General company transactions1-98 - General company transactions
Collapse 99-159 - Works - general papers99-159 - Works - general papers
Expand 99-122 - Contracts for driving levels, valuation of stocks and plant, plans and tracings of buildings and cuttings etc.99-122 - Contracts for driving levels, valuation of stocks and plant, plans and tracings of buildings and cuttings etc.
Expand 123-132 - Quarry report books123-132 - Quarry report books
Collapse 133-159 - Charges upon the works - debentures coupons, royalties and taxes receipts, office and officers' expended133-159 - Charges upon the works - debentures coupons, royalties and taxes receipts, office and officers' expended
133 - Half yearly debenture interest coupons
134 - Half yearly debenture interest coupons
135 - Cheques drawn upon the company on behalf of several
136 - Communications for Barclay and Co., bankers to the company
137 - Royalty accounts for 2 months
138 - Receipts for royalty rents paid to H.M. Office of Woods and Forests
139 - Receipts for rent and royalty due to Lord Newborough for Cambrian Quarry
140 - Receipts for royalty rents due to the Ruthun consolidated charities for Ty Du Quarry
141 - Correspondence with the agent of teh Ruthun Consolidated Charities
142 - Receipts for trespass rents
143 - Half yearly rents of Charlotte Lane for land leased to Newton and Lucock
144 - Tithe demand notes and receipts for Goodman Quarry
145 - Demand notes for rent charge for Goodman Quarry
146 - Receipts for Poor Rate and Highways Rate for the parish of Llanrug
147 - Receipts for General District Highway, Poor and School Board Rates for Llanbeblig parish
148 - Poor rate receipts for houses in the parish of Llanberis
149 - Income Tax and House Duty Receipts etc. for premises in the parish of Llanberis
149a - Receipts etc. for subscriptions to various charities
150 - Statement of office expenses for two months
151-157 - Monthly statements of office expenses
157a - Postage account
158 - Miscellaenous office receipts
158a - Receipt book counterfoil
158b - Receipt book counterfoil
159 - Company Officer's receipts for travelling expenses
159a - Account of slates made from Michaelmas to Michaelmas
Expand 160-365 - Manufacture - stocks etc.160-365 - Manufacture - stocks etc.
Expand 366-472 - Works costs - Labour366-472 - Works costs - Labour
Expand 473-538 - Works costs - Stores473-538 - Works costs - Stores
Expand 539-759 - Works costs - Sales and shipments539-759 - Works costs - Sales and shipments
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