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Collapse GARTHA - Garthewin Additional PapersGARTHA - Garthewin Additional Papers
Collapse 1 - Estate papers1 - Estate papers
Collapse 1 - Deeds and documents1 - Deeds and documents
Expand 1 - Garthewin Home Estate1 - Garthewin Home Estate
Expand 2 - Llanddulas Estate2 - Llanddulas Estate
Collapse 3 - Llyn Estate3 - Llyn Estate
1 - Feoffment
2 - Lease
3 - Counterpart Lease
4 - Copy Lease
5 - Lease
6 - Copy of Lease no. 175
7 - Lease
8 - Lease
9 - Lease
10 - Dead number
11 - Lease
12 - Copy of Lease no. 181
13 - Lease
14 - Lease
15 - Copy of Lease no. 184
16 - Lease and Release
17 - Surrender
18 - Underlease
19 - Mortgage
20 - Memorandum of Agreement
21 - Yearly tenancy agreement
22 - Abstract of Title of Robert William Wynne, Esq., to a Freehold Estate in the parish of Llandulas, co. Denbigh.
23 - Probate of the Will (23 March, 1889) of Evan Evans of Llanerch, co. Carnarvon, Farmer.
24 - Surrender
25 - Surrender
26 - Draft Agreement
27 - Draft Memorandum of Agreement
28 - Abstract of Title of Robert William Wynne Esq. to a Freehold Estate in the parishes of Llannor, Denio and Treflys, co. Carnarvon, altered in manuscript to "the parish of Llanddulas, co. Denbigh".
29 - In Chancery: Brief of the case James Brynker Esq. and Edward Owen, Gent., James Brynker being the Creditor of William Brynker Esq. on behalf of himself and several others, Plaintiffs, versus William Brynker, Esq., Dame Barbara Holt his wife, Robert Wynne, Doctor in Divinity, Robert Wynne Esq., Catherine Jones, Elizabeth Wynne, Widow, Executrix of the Will of Mary Twisleton, deceased, William Price Esq., Maurice Wynne Esq., Robert Brynker and James Brynker, Clerks, Humphrey Roberts and William Evans, Esqs., Margaret Edmonds, Spinster, and Samuell Grainger, Defendants.
30 - In Chancery: Charge of Margarett Griffith of Carnarvon, Widow, a Creditor of William Brynker, in the case James Brynker Esq. and Edward Owen, Gent., Plaintiffs, against william Brynker, Doctor Wynne and others, Defendants, and in the Cross Cause.
31 - In Chancery: Charge of Charles Coker Esq. in right of Elizabeth Wynne, now his wife, Executrix of Mary Twisleton, deceased, in the case James Brynker Esq. and another, Plaintiffs, against Elizabeth Wynne and others, Defendants, and also in the case Dr. Robert Wynne and others, Plaintiffs, against Elizabeth Wynne and others, Defendants.
32 - In Chancery: Draft Interrogations in the case Wynne against Brynker.
33 - Copy of no. 202
34 - In Chancery: Interrogations to be exhibited before Ffrancis Elde Esq. for the examination of James Brynker Esq., pursuant to a Decree dated 20 June, 1734, in certain Causes, viz. James Brynker and another, Plaintiffs, against William Brynker Esq., Robert Wynne, Doctor of Divinity, Robert Wynne Esq., Catherine Jones and others, Defendants, and also in the case Robert Wynne, Doctor of Divinity, Robert Wynne Esq., and Catherine Jones, Plaintiffs, against William Brynker Esq., James Brynker Esq., and others, Defendants.
35 - In Chancery: Copy account of Defendants' Costs in the Case Brynker against Brynker.
36 - Copy of no. 204
37 - Copy of Lease no. 184
Expand 4 - Acton, Brymbo, Wem, Whitchurch Estate4 - Acton, Brymbo, Wem, Whitchurch Estate
Expand 2 - Administration2 - Administration
Expand 2 - Family papers2 - Family papers
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