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Collapse GARTHA - Garthewin Additional PapersGARTHA - Garthewin Additional Papers
Expand 1 - Estate papers1 - Estate papers
Collapse 2 - Family papers2 - Family papers
Collapse 1 - Deeds and documents1 - Deeds and documents
1 - Letter of Attorney from Jonathon Edwards of Jesus College, Oxford, appointing Mr. Richard Wynne of Barnard's Inn to receive £25 from the Grocers' Company, London, being one year's charges payable for the schooling of Nathaniel Bevans, William Lloyd, Maurice Howells and John Stodart under the gift of Mary Robinson, Widow, deceased.
2 - Probate of the Will (13 August, 1707) of Margaret Wynne, wife of Robert Wynne of Gresford, co. Denbigh, Doctor in Divinity.
3 - Articles of Agreement
4 - Heads of Articles for the Marriage Settlement of Dr. Robert Wynne and Diana Gostlin.
5 - Limitation and Appointment of the Estate of Elizabeth Jones of Llannerch Fawr, co. Carnarvon, Widow, after her death: the lands called Highgate to her sister Ellin Madrin for life; and the Capital Messuage or Mansion House called Llannerch fawr, the pieces of land called y Coed, and the Wood situate between Cae y grûg, Cae y Plan, Cae'r'lloi, Weirglodd newydd and Cae Gaynor, in the parish of Llannor, co. Carnarvon, to Dr. Robert Wynne of Gresford, co. Denbigh, Chancellor of St. Asaph, for the terms of the lives of her sisters Margaret and Ellin Madrin.
6 - Will of Katherine Lloyd of Llanynys and now of Mold, co. Flint.
7 - Probate of the Will (24 May, 1733) of Robert Wynne of Gresford, D.D., Chancellor of St. Asaph.
8 - Memorandum of Agreement
9 - Original Will of Peirce Wynne of Llanhychan, co. Denbigh, Esq.
10 - Settlement
11 - Declaration of Trust
12 - Limitation and Appointment
13 - Conveyance to uses
14 - Revocation
15 - Lease and Release to uses
16 - Copy Will of Robert William Wynne of Garthewin, co. Denbigh, Esq.
17 - Copy of Copy Will no. 609
18 - Deed Poll being a revocation by Robert William Wynne of the uses mentioned in a deed dated 9 November 1841 in relation to a tenement called the Kiln Tenement in the parish of Worthenbury, co. Flint.
19 - Attested Copy Settlement
20 - Case and Opinion of Charles Hall of Lincolns Inn touching deeds of revocation and appointment made by Robert William Wynne in 1832 and 1839.
21 - Succession Duty Accounts and Receipts
22 - Bill of Complaint in Chancery requesting the appointment of a Receiver for lands in the Garthewin Estate, and the creation of a proper allowance for the maintenance of Robert William Wynne during his minority.
23 - Copy Certificate of the burial of Robert William Wynne of Bronywendon on 8 January, 1869, entered in the Parish Register book of baptisms of the parish of Llanddulas, co. Denbigh.
24 - Decree to Chancery in the case Robert William Wynne, by Eugenie Marie Wynne his Mother and Guardian, Plaintiff, and William Hanmer and John Bamford Hesketh, Defendants.
25 - Order in Chancery appointing John Hancock Wolstenholme as Receiver of the rents and profits of the Garthewin Estate.
26 - Copy Certificate under Decree in Chancery of the evidence submitted in the case Wynne v. Hanmer. Schedules of certificates and of lands appended.
27 - Succession Papers touching the Garthewin Estate
28 - Account of the Succession of Brownlow Wynne Wynne of Garthewin, co. Denbigh, Esq., on the death of Diana Edwards, for the purposes of Succession Duty.
29 - Copy Certificate of Arthur Seymour and Thomas Dewes, Commissioners for the county of Warwick for taking the acknowledgements of Deeds by Married Women, that Catherine Louisa the wife of Jonathan Needham appeared before them and acknowledged a Deed dated 10 March 1877, made between Jonathan Needham and Catherine Louisa his wife of the first part, Hugh Parry of the second part, and John Rice Roberts of the third part.
30 - Draft Disentailing Deed
31 - Abstract of Title of Robert William Wynne Esq. to certain Estates in cos. Denbigh and Carnarvon devised under the Will of Robert William Wynne of Garthewin, co. Denbigh, Esq., deceased.
32 - Case and Opinion of Hugh M. Humphrey of 4 New Square, Lincolns Inn, as to Succession Duty to be paid by Robert William Wynne following the death of Brownlow Wynne Wynne.
33 - Bundle of documents relating to Robert William Wynne and his brother Richard Wynne
34 - Copy Release
35 - Abstract of Title of Robert William Wynne of Garthewin, Abergele, co. Denbigh, to certain lands, unspecified, emanating from the Will of Robert William Wynne, deceased, dated 9 November, 1841.
36 - Abstract of Title of Robert William Wynne of Garthewin, Abergele, co. Denbigh, Esq., to unspecified premises.
37 - Copy of Abstract of Title no. 629
38 - Copy Confirmation
39 - Copy Death Certificate of Eugenie Marie Wynne, who died at Nice on 19 January, 1899.
40 - Probate of the Will (29 August, 1881) of Eugenie Marie Wynne of Warley lodge, co. Essex, Widow.
41 - Abstract of Title of Robert William Wynne Esq., to unspecified premises.
42 - Copy Indemnity
43 - Extract from the Will (17 April, 1856, and two codicils dated 24 January, 1880, and 19 December, 1881) of Brownlow Wynne Wynne late of Garthewin, Abergele, co. Denbigh, Esq., deceased, concerning bequests of pictures and paintings.
44 - Abstract of Release of an annuity of £300.
45 - Copy of Abstract no. 637
46 - Draft Abstract of Annuity and Release.
47 - Attested Copy Disentailing Deed
48 - In the Royal Courts of Justice: Copy Order appointing Richard Wynne of Hillcourt, Longhope, co. Gloucester, retired Solicitor, as Receiver of the Estate of his brother Robert William Wynne.
49 - In the Royal Courts of Justice: Order under the terms of the Lunacy Act, 1890, as to releases and covenants to be made in the name of Robert William Wynne.
50 - In the Royal Courts of Justice: Order made under the terms of the Lunacy Act, 1890, as to sales and allowances to be made in the name of Robert William Wynne.
51 - Copy Will of Richard Wynne, then residing at Garthewin, Llanfairtalhaiarn, Abergele, co. Denbigh, Esq.
52 - In the Royal Courts of Justice: Copy Order appointing Robert Oliver Francis Wynne of Garthewin, Llanfair Talhaearn, Abergele, co. Denbigh, Geologist, as the new Receiver of the Estate of his Uncle, Robert William Wynne.
53 - Instructions for Letters of Administration of the estate of Robert William Wynne of Garthewin, Llanfair Talhaearn, co. Denbigh, Esq., deceased. (The executor and residuary legatee of his Will had predeceased him)
54 - Instructions for Probate in re. Richard Wynne, deceased.
55 - Case and Opinion of Norman C. Armitage of 11 Old Square, Lincolns Inn, as to the division of the personal effects of Robert William Wynne, deceased.
56 - Statement and Accounts of the Administrator of the estate of Robert William Wynne, late of Garthewin, Llanfair Talhaearn, co. Denbigh, Esq., deceased.
57 - Draft Settlement
58 - Account of R.O.F. Wynne's Trust Legacy from the estate of Miss E.M. Wynne, deceased.
59 - Copy Will or Robert Oliver Francis Wynne of Garthewin, Llanfair Talhaearn, co. Denbigh, together with an explanation of his intentions, signed and dated on 31 August 1970, and handwritten "Final Wishes" regarding his funeral and tombstone.
60 - Opinion of Michael O'Donoghue regarding the Trusts in the Marriage Settlement made on 12 September, 1938 between Robert Oliver Francis Wynne of the first part, Anita Kathleen Mary More O'Ferrall of the second part, and Thomas Charles-Edwards, Robert Clifton-Richards and Gerald More O'Ferrall of the third part.
61 - Draft Release
62 - Copy Settlement
63 - Copy Will (dated 7 June, 1722) of Elizabeth Jones of Llannerch fawr, co. Carnarvon.
64 - Copy of a portion of the Will (dated 7 June, 1722) of Elizabeth Jones of Llannerch fawr, co. Carnarvon.
65 - Copy Settlement
66 - Draft Will of Robert Oliver Francis Wynne of Garthewin, Llanfair Talhaearn, co. Denbigh.
Expand 2 - Personalia2 - Personalia
Expand 3 - Family correspondence3 - Family correspondence
Expand 4 - Papers of Robert Oliver Francis Wynne4 - Papers of Robert Oliver Francis Wynne
Expand 5 - Papers of Frances Anna [Nanette] Wynne5 - Papers of Frances Anna [Nanette] Wynne
Expand 6 - Papers of Anita Kathleen Mary [Nina] Wynne6 - Papers of Anita Kathleen Mary [Nina] Wynne
Expand 7 - Papers of Menna Wynne7 - Papers of Menna Wynne
Expand 8 - Papers of Gwyneth [Lowri] Wynne8 - Papers of Gwyneth [Lowri] Wynne
Expand 9 - Papers of the Crowe family9 - Papers of the Crowe family
Expand 3 - Miscellaneous addenda3 - Miscellaneous addenda
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