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Collapse GARTHA - Garthewin Additional PapersGARTHA - Garthewin Additional Papers
Expand 1 - Estate papers1 - Estate papers
Collapse 2 - Family papers2 - Family papers
Expand 1 - Deeds and documents1 - Deeds and documents
Expand 2 - Personalia2 - Personalia
Collapse 3 - Family correspondence3 - Family correspondence
1 - Letter; Hugh Lloyd to Robert Wynne Esq., Garthewin, nr. Bettws. Complaints about his gout; discusses the lease of Myrod and the possibility of it being altered in "Dear Di"'s name; mentions "Dear Di"'s right to his picture at Garthewin, "what is fitt onely for a Sign Post"; compliments to the family.
2 - Letter: Thomas Williams, Treasurer of the Sneabach Mines, to Richard Lovett Esq., Chirk, informing him of differences between Mr. Fan and himself, and requesting suspension of payment of dividends to any one of the family "on that part enjoyd by my Fatherinlaw in your Mine Company".
3 - Letter: a poem, Lines written on the Splugen, sent to Mrs. Archer at Aghatore, Ashford Bridge, Ireland.
4 - Miscellaneous letters
5 - Letters of a family and personal nature, mostly to Robert or Nina Wynne from friends and family.
6 - Letters: Miscellaneous bundle.
7 - Personal letters to Robert William Wynne and Richard Wynne, including a series sent to Richard by his wife Nanette and son Robert Oliver Francis on a motor tour around Northern England and Scotland.
8 - Letters: Richard Wynne to his brother Robert William Wynne.
9 - Copy Letter: the Secretary of the Mayor of Gezaincourt to Major F.S.N. Macrory, thanking him "pour la courtoisie dont vos officiers ont toujours fait preuve et pour le louable empressement avec lequel vous avez constamment accueilli toutes nos demandes" during his Battalion's stay in the area.
10 - Letter: M. Gambier, Mayor of Gézaincourt, to the General of the 36th Division British Expeditionary Force, France, expressing regret at the news that the 10th Battalion Inniskilling Fusiliers under the command of Major Macrory, which the town had been lodging for the past month, are to leave, and commending the soldiers and officers for their exemplary behaviour.
11 - Personal letters to R.O.F. Wynne from members of his and his wife's families, most especially from his cousins Aline Dundas Edgecombe, Marjory Emily Knyvett, Sir Patrick Macrory and Patrick Macrory Jr., Nina's cousin Rory More O'Ferrall, and from "Vyllis" in Tunbridge Wells.
12 - Letter: Robert [William Wynne] to "Dicky" [Richard Wynne]. Thanks for the birthday letter; says "the people here are not so well trained as they used to be and seem to have no idea of showing any kind of culture".
13 - Draft Letter: Richard Wynne to Mr. Woollcombe [of Walker Martineau, Solicitors], touching the probable contingency of his brother Robert William Wynne's estate being divided among his next of kin, and his concerns should this happen.
14 - Letter: Elias Morris, Hon. Secretary of the Llanddulas Rose Queen and Carnival Association to Richard Wynne, informing him that he has been unanimously elected as Vice-President of that year's Rose Queen Carnival and Sports, to be held on August Bank Holiday.
15 - Letter: E.R. Parry of General Stores, Llanfair Talhaearn, Abergele, to Mr. Wynne [Richard], asking him to allow Robert Williams of Ffordd Groes, Llanfair, "the most deserving case I Know of in this Village", five shillings of groceries weekly.
16 - Letters to Richard Wynne, Nanette Wynne and R.O.F. Wynne from their Irish relations.
17 - Letters to Robert and Nanette Wynne sympathising on the death of Richard Wynne.
18 - Personal letters sent to Mrs. Nina Wynne by family and friends.
19 - Letters of congratulations on the engagement and marriage of Robert Oliver Francis Wynne and Nina More O'Ferrall.
20 - Letters to R.O.F. Wynne and Nina Wynne from family and friends, including two from their daughter Gwyneth (Lowri) in 1967 and 1970. Also a book of poems written by Gwyneth in 1953, a poem, The Deer, by Menna Wynne, and A Story by Ella More O'Ferrall.
21 - Letters and cards of sympathy sent to R.O.F. Wynne on the death of his mother Nanette.
22 - Letter: Robert Jones of 18 Beethoven Street, Paddington, London, to "Miss Wynne", requesting information about his family who used to live in the area around Garthewin. "I must thank you for your efforts for Wales and do carry on the good work for our Gallant Little Wales, my native Land and the best country in the World".
23 - Letters to Mr. Wynne from members of the Friends of the American Museum's English Country House Tour, thanking him for showing them around Garthewin.
24 - Letter: Helena [Gwenllian Wynne] of 26 Park Crescent, Finchley, London, to her mother, needing bank statements for a legal case, and wishing Lowri [Gwyneth Wynne] to come to the London Healing Mission.
Expand 4 - Papers of Robert Oliver Francis Wynne4 - Papers of Robert Oliver Francis Wynne
Expand 5 - Papers of Frances Anna [Nanette] Wynne5 - Papers of Frances Anna [Nanette] Wynne
Expand 6 - Papers of Anita Kathleen Mary [Nina] Wynne6 - Papers of Anita Kathleen Mary [Nina] Wynne
Expand 7 - Papers of Menna Wynne7 - Papers of Menna Wynne
Expand 8 - Papers of Gwyneth [Lowri] Wynne8 - Papers of Gwyneth [Lowri] Wynne
Expand 9 - Papers of the Crowe family9 - Papers of the Crowe family
Expand 3 - Miscellaneous addenda3 - Miscellaneous addenda
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