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Collapse GARTHA - Garthewin Additional PapersGARTHA - Garthewin Additional Papers
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Collapse 4 - Papers of Robert Oliver Francis Wynne4 - Papers of Robert Oliver Francis Wynne
Expand 1 - Unpublished poetry1 - Unpublished poetry
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Collapse 1 - With Saunders Lewis1 - With Saunders Lewis
1 - S.L. to Robert saying that he will be arriving at Abergele station from Cardiff on Friday afternoon.
2 - S.L. to Robert. He thinks Chwaraewyr Garthewin are on the way to building something that may be important in Wales and will do all he can to help. He might come up to please the Arts Council and back up Morris Jones, as an author helps a producer.
3 - S.L. to Robert. He will try to arrange to be free December 4 or 11 despite the uncertainty that the health of his Aunt in Neath causes. He is glad that the Denbigh performance gave pleasure.
4 - S.L. at Robert. Ni bydd yr Efrysiau yn barod erbyn y dyddiad penodedig. Nid yw'n gaddo dod i gyfarfod y Cylch oherwydd gwaeledd Mair a'i fodryb.
5 - S.L. to Robert. They are searching for a house and Margaret is packing. Whether he will be able to make it to the Garddwest is dependent upon the petrol supply and domestic conditions.
6 - S.L. to Robert. Thanks him for the report on the second performance of Gan Bwyll. He had been suspicious that he'd written a bad play. He is in the middle of marking degree papers.
7 - S.L. to Nina, thanking her for the cheque and letter. At Christmas he will be giving a course on Welsh literature teaching to secondary school teachers at Cardiff and will not be able to come. Encloses a photo of a Welsh broadsheet on Loretto.
8 - S.L. to Nina. Since the reports on Mair are favourable he will be able to come on Monday by train to Wrexham and then to Garthewin by car with Mrs Peters.
9 - Margaret Lewis to Mrs Wynne thanking her for the gift. Saunders was satisfied with the meeting at Colwyn Bay but the crowd at Aberystwyth was not so bright. Writes of the cold weather.
10 - Margaret Lewis to Mrs Wynne. Expresses her thanks for the parcel. She is expecting Mrs Daniel and Father Malachy who will have been in Lampeter over the weekend. She will leave Saunders to settle the matter of the invitation to the Noson Lawen.
11 - S.L. to [Robert? - letter incomplete]. He is sending him his Christmas card in the handwriting of Grace Williams.
12 - S.L. to [Robert?] referring to an address published in Blackfriars in 1935 and to the amended finale of Act 2. Incomplete.
13 - Telegram oddi wrth S.L. at R.O.F. Wynne yn ymddiheuro na all ddyfod i weld agor y cafe
14 - S.L. to Mr Wynne. November 29 will be as easy for him to come to the North as December 4, but his wife won't be able to come. Expresses regret on hearing of his mother's misfortune.
15 - S.L. to Mr. Wynne. He is unable to come to the Noson Lawen because J.E. Jones has arranged a public meeting for him at Dolgellau. Refers to the failed attempt by Gwasg Gee to take over the Draig Goch. He has been invited to write for a weekly paper that Morris Williams might start but suspects that it will have a leftish tinge.
16 - Transcripts available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, nos. 1-5, 9-10
17 - S.L. to Robert, accepting the invitation to the Garddwest weekend.
18 - Transcripts available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, nos. 11-16.
19 - Letter from S.L., Llygad-y-glyn, Llanfarian, Aberystwyth. He and Margaret are unable to come because they are hoping to visit their respective parents over the holiday. Hopes that Robert will not try to read the poems, but wanted him to have the Garthewin awdl in decent print.
20 - Transcripts available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, nos. 17-18.
21 - S.L. to Robert, requesting that he may trespass on their hospitality on the next Friday night so that he will not have to rush to Colwyn Bay on Satruday.
22 - Transcripts available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, nos. 19-26.
23 - S.L. to Nina thanking her for the invitation, but he is unable to come due to work, and he must also go to South Wales to see his Aunt at Easter. Margaret is thankful for the eggs and butter. He intends to go to Lampeter for a retreat. He has heard great reports of the Garthewin meetings.
24 - Transcripts available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, nos. 27-31.
25 - S.L. to Nina. He is unable to accept the invitation - March 1 is in the middle of a week and classes make it impossible. They send their greetings to the baby.
26 - S.L. to Nina. He is sorry that he can't come for the St. David's Day feast. The term of teaching is short with Father Maddock having only 3 weeks left and the senior boys preparing for their exams.
27 - Transcripts available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, nos. 32-33
28 - S.L. to Nina. He thanks her for the parcel. He saw Mrs Wynne a week or so ago and has received a Welsh Child's Prayer Book by Cathrin Daniel which he has sent back. Margaret is working for a matriculation exam.
29 - Transcripts available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, nos. 34-38, 40-41. The second half of letter 37 [no. 973 here] is now missing.
30 - S.L. to Robert with much appreciation of the magnificent turkey. He is afraid that Robert will have trouble getting a publisher for Amlyn and Amig. Father Davies has wired him to say that the meeting at Aberystwyth is postponed.
31 - Transcripts available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, nos. 42-43
32 - S.L. to Robert. He has received the enclosed letter from Arwel Hughes and is sending him the typescript. Lough Dery by Alice Curtaine is a good and interesting account. He will not be able to go to the Trefriw and has just returned from the inauguration of the Welsh Educational Council in London.
33 - Transcripts available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, nos. 44-48, 50-51, 55-56, 58.
34 - S.L. to Mrs Wynne. He has found and re-read a copy of Why We Burnt Etc. and finds it horribly self-righteous. Suggests that she should not quote it at all.
35 - Transcripts available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, nos. 60-62, 64, 67-71, 73-75, 77.
36 - S.L. i Roberts. Byddai'n dda ganddo weld cwmni drama Garthewin yn llwyddo gan y byddai'n gwneud lles i'r ddrama wledig, i'r iaith Gymraeg ac yn symbyliad iddo yntau ac eraill ysgrifenny. Oni bai i Robert ofyn am ddrama ni fyddai wedi mynd ati i orffen 'Blodeuwedd'. Mae'n cydnabod bod y rhan yn un anodd i ferch oherwydd fod Blodeuwedd ar y llwyfan drwy'r bedair act. Y syniad yn y ddrama yw'r gwrthdrawiad rhwng serch rhamantaidd a chariad Cristnogol neu glasurol a'i peryglon. Mae'n cymharu Gwydion i Bandarus Cymreig a Blodeuwedd i Fedea.
37 - Transcript available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, no. 78
38 - S.L. to Robert. He does not mind whether Blodeuwedd is a blonde or a brunette as long as she can act and has a fine physique and a stage presence to dominate the play. Refers to the problem of having to wait for petrol coupons. Enquires whether Robert has found a theme for his article for Efrydiau Catholig 1949.
39 - S.L. i Robert. Mae'n fodlon i fechgyn Limerick actio'r 'Christmas Candle' gan amgrymu 10s neu bunt fel 'royalty'. Mae'n bwriadu ymweld â Mair y Sadwrn canlynol ac yn sôn am ymddiswyddiad Mos[es Griffith] o'r gwasanaeth sifil.
40 - Transgript yn 'Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin', rhif 81
41 - S.L. at Robert. Mae am wneud cais am betrol am fis Mai ac yn diolch am y siec am £15. Nid yw'n gallu ysgrifennu ar Valle Crucis er y gallai wneud ar Guto'r Glyn yn y fynachlog. Bydd 'Efrydiau Catholig' allan fis Mai gan nad oedd ganddo amser i gyfieithu erthygl Thomas Charles Edwards oherwydd ei fod yn ymweld â Mair ei fodryb ar y pen-wythnosau. Bydd yn rhyfeddod os byth y gwelir 'Blodeuwedd' ar lwyfan
42 - S.L. at Robert. Cafodd y cofrestr petrol yn ôl y dydd blaenorol o Gaerdydd. Mae disgwyl ateb i'w lythyr at yr Esgob. Daeth mam Robert yno ar ôl bedydd esgob Aberystwyth a dweud hanes Iwerddon wrthynt. Mae'n nerfus iawn ynghlych 'Blodeuwedd'.
43 - S.L. at Robert. Mae popeth yn dda ynglyn â'r 'Faner'. Gobeithiai na fydd cyhoeddi cyfieithiad Syr Idris Ball o 'Amlyn ac Amig' yn y 'Welsh Review' yn dramgwydd i Robert. Mae'n gofyn am lyfr cofrestu'r modur yn ôl ac yn nodi mai Margaret wnaeth y bloc ar gyfer miwsig y Flos yn yr Efrydiau.
44 - S.L. to Robert. He is glad that Blodeuwedd will be produced in October. He will not be able to come to the rehearsal as he is getting his teeth out and suggests other convenient days. Mair is back home and has been given a clean bill of health.
45 - S.L. at Robert. Dywed wrth Robert am beidio poeni Morris Jones am Orffennaf 24 gan bod modd iddo ddod ddiwedd Awst neu ddechrau Medi. Mae'n mynd i ordeiniad cyn-ddisgybl yn Llanbedr y dydd canlynol, ac yn dymuno'n dda i Robert a T. [Charles] E[dwards] ar eu pererindod i ogof Padrig
46 - Transcripts available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, nos. 83-84
47 - S.L. to Nina. He will not be able to stay long on Monday as he must be at Wrexham by 7.
48 - Transcript available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, no. 85
49 - S.L. at Robert. Mae'n diolch iddo am fynd i drafferth gyda Bollands drosto. Mae am drefnu ei gostau gyda Huw Wheldon. Gobeithiai fod Morris Jones yn iawn am 'Flodeuwedd' gan fod popeth yn dibynnu arni.
50 - Transcripts available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, nos. 86-89.
51 - S.L. at Robert. Mae wedi anfon cyfrif o gostau paratoi 'Blodeuwedd' at Huw Wheldon ac yn bwriadu eu defnyddio i wledda'r cwmni. Cafodd De Valera amser rhagorol yng Nghaerdydd yn ciniawa ag amryw Gymry. Mae'n disgwyl gweld Mair yng Nghaergybi fis Tachwedd
52 - Transcripts available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, nos. 91-97.
53 - S.L. to Miss More O'Ferrall. He has written to the Welsh National Museum to ask whether any museum may be interested in her old lace specimen. Suggests that Christie's or the South Kensington Museum may look at it if the need to sell is urgent.
54 - Transcript available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, no. 98.
55 - S.L. to Robert. Understands that Robert and Mos[es Griffith] will come to shoot at the end of the month, and will try to have Act 1 ready. It is intended to be a farce - asks Robert to reject it if he does not like it. Thanks for the Christmas turkey.
56 - S.L. to Nina. Thanks for the parcel of butter, hopes next week to send the second act of the comedy direct to Edwin Williams the producer. The radio the previous night showed that Robert was in good heart.
57 - Transgrip yn 'Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin', Rhif 99
58 - S.L. to Robert. Thanks Nina for the butter and says that the case of Chateau Bahans is supporting him in the final act of Eisteddfod Bodran. He is a painfully slow worker.
59 - Transcript available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, no. 100.
60 - S.L. to Nina. Thanks for the butter, loaves and marvellous week. He enjoyed the festival but is aware of the effort behind it. He believes that their achievement in Garthewin is of incalculable significance.
61 - S.L. at Robert. Bu'n arolygu ysgol John Bright yr wythnos flaenorol a gwelodd gwmni Garthewin yn actio ' Ty Dol' yno. Mae'n gobeithio bod Nina'n well ac yn diolch iddo am ei bennod garedig yn llyfr Pennar Davies
62 - S.L. to Robert wishing Nina well in February. He can't go to Abergele and will not have completed Avignon by May. Instead, however, he will have a comedy ready and states what type of actors he would prefer to play the leading roles. The theme is from the Mabinogi but he will keep it quiet for fear of making a mess of it.
63 - S.L. at Robert. Mae'n diolch am y 'twrci teg' ac yn gobeithio iddynt gael Nadolig Llawen, bod Nina'n well. a bod parsel wedi eu cyrraedd o Lundain
64 - S.L. to Robert. Has heard that Nina gave birth to a girl, Gwenllian, on February 4, and wishes them long life and happiness.
65 - Transgript yn 'Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin', Rhif 101
66 - S.L. at Robert. Mae'n fodlon trefnu cinio canol dydd i bobl y Cylch yn y Commercial Hotel neu'r Belle Vue yn Aberystwyth, ond iddo gael y rhif. Byddai'n dda ganddo gael darlith Gymraeg Robert ar gyfer yr efrydiau yn 1952 ac mae'n anfon yr hanner cyntaf ato gydag awgrymiadu a phwyntiau iaith. Mae'n diolch am gael barn Morris Jones ar y gomedi.
67 - Transcripts available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, nos. 107-111.
68 - S.L. to Robert and Nina. Thanks for the turkey. They have been rushed between furnishing Mair's house at Swansea and seeking one for themselves in Cardiff. Mair marries on Saturday and he starts work on Monday.
69 - S.L. to Robert regarding a poetry reading as an Arts Council part of the drama festival. Advises Robert to experiment with perhaps a circle of people in the drawing room with intervals for discussion and refreshments.
70 - Transcripts available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, nos. 112-114, 116-123, 125-127.
71 - S.L. to Robert. He is writing a play for the BBC to be broadcast which might make a stage play. Efrydiau Catholig have gone to the printers but he will send Robert's article to him to be altered and corrected. Mos Griffith has been ill.
72 - Copy letter, [Robert] to S.L., requesting him to submit any propositions with regard to the following year's drama festival. He wonders if the idea of forming a company, perhaps with Raymond Edwards, still appeals to S.L. Edwin William may be applying for the post of John Gwilym Jones in Bangor and may be able to bring a company. He is glad to hear that a radio play which can also be staged will be ready before long. Thomas Taig that appeared to be eager to produce Colrun in Garthewin must return to Somerset.
73 - S.L. to Robert regarding the future policy and next festival at Garthewin after the loss of Taig's help. Theatre work involves team work under a leader-producer of knowledge, judgement and style. He suggests that the Garthewin team have a talk with John Gwilym Jones who could perhaps work with Morris Jones. Otherwise, an annual affair at Garthewin should be considered as an alternative. Proper considerations should be made regarding regular rehearsals, costs and actors.
74 - S.L. to Robert. Asks whether a play produced by Raymond Edwards for the Llangefni (Anglesey) Drama Festival, September 1954, would suit the Garthewin event. Hears that Robert is to speak to Catholic students at Cardiff and invites him for a meal - he'll ask Father Leo Caesar to join them.
75 - S.L. to Robert, thanking him for the turkey. Christmas has been a busman's holiday with him trying to finish a radio play which is to be broadcast on St. David's Day. He will post Robert copies of the Efrydiau when more arrive.
76 - Transcripts available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, nos. 131-133, 135.
77 - S.L. to Robert. Nina's gift is appreciated, and he has despatches a case to help Robert fight the foul weather. He will look for Robert's article the coming weekend.
78 - Transcripts available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, nos. 136-140, 142, 147, 149, 151-153.
79 - S.L. to Nina. They are grateful for the pleasant invitation but are unable to accept it due to the restriction on petrol.
80 - Transcripts available in Saunders Lewis a Theatr Garthewin, nos. 154-156, 159, 161-171, 173, 175.
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Expand 6 - Musical scores and songsheets6 - Musical scores and songsheets
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Expand 5 - Papers of Frances Anna [Nanette] Wynne5 - Papers of Frances Anna [Nanette] Wynne
Expand 6 - Papers of Anita Kathleen Mary [Nina] Wynne6 - Papers of Anita Kathleen Mary [Nina] Wynne
Expand 7 - Papers of Menna Wynne7 - Papers of Menna Wynne
Expand 8 - Papers of Gwyneth [Lowri] Wynne8 - Papers of Gwyneth [Lowri] Wynne
Expand 9 - Papers of the Crowe family9 - Papers of the Crowe family
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