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Collapse GARTHA - Garthewin Additional PapersGARTHA - Garthewin Additional Papers
Expand 1 - Estate papers1 - Estate papers
Collapse 2 - Family papers2 - Family papers
Expand 1 - Deeds and documents1 - Deeds and documents
Expand 2 - Personalia2 - Personalia
Expand 3 - Family correspondence3 - Family correspondence
Expand 4 - Papers of Robert Oliver Francis Wynne4 - Papers of Robert Oliver Francis Wynne
Expand 5 - Papers of Frances Anna [Nanette] Wynne5 - Papers of Frances Anna [Nanette] Wynne
Expand 6 - Papers of Anita Kathleen Mary [Nina] Wynne6 - Papers of Anita Kathleen Mary [Nina] Wynne
Expand 7 - Papers of Menna Wynne7 - Papers of Menna Wynne
Expand 8 - Papers of Gwyneth [Lowri] Wynne8 - Papers of Gwyneth [Lowri] Wynne
Collapse 9 - Papers of the Crowe family9 - Papers of the Crowe family
Collapse 1 - Diaries and notebooks of Eyre Crowe A.R.A1 - Diaries and notebooks of Eyre Crowe A.R.A
1 - Notebook containing reports made by Eyre Crowe of 33 Langham Street on the state of the teaching of art in schools in Coalbrookdale, Bridgenorth, Hereford, Coventry, Stourbridge, Bolton, Burnley, Sheffield, Manchester, Exeter, Tynemouth, Carnarvon, Durham, Newcastle upon Tyne, Liverpool, Cork, Clonmel and Boro'Road.
2 - Diary. Very detailed recollections, especially describing conversations, walks, and visits to various parts of the country as an Examiner of local Art Schools for the South Kensington Museum. Crowe is particularly interested in factories and the life of the local people, and records many of his impressions and snapshots of the provincial towns he travels to.
3 - Diary covering two years, both with significant gaps in the Spring. Crowe works on the subjects of Mary Queen of Scots, Johnson at Uttoxeter, beggars, a Quaker Meeting, Vestal, Going to Church, Old Mortality and Village Fountain.
4 - Diary. Two major painting projects - until April Crowe is in Aberdeen painting members of the Highland Regiment, and records of their interesting conversations; from October, he works on Horrocks seeing the actual Transit of Venus, using a telescope set up in authentic fashion by fellow Reform Clubber and famous astronomer Sir Norman Lockyer.
5 - Diary of 1884 used as a very erratic accounts and appointments book.
6 - Diary. Account starts on 19 April, and up to 15 July is mainly concerned with details of the examination work at the South Kensington Museum. From 19 August to 5 October Crowe is painting in and around Boulogne, and from 4 to 11 November he makes a rapid tour of Lincolnshire, the North East and West Yorkshire inspecting Art Schools.
7 - Diary. 11 February to 4 March, Crowe does South Kensington Museum work around Cheshire and the Midlands; 8 August to 20 September, he is on holiday and painting in Great Yarmouth with his brother Joe and other family members; 22-29 November, a short S.K.M trip to Wiltshire and Bristol; Crowe end the year, from 6 December, in Paris with Joe and with Jean Léon Gérôme.
8 - Diary. Descriptions of people and places while on travels - until 25 January Crowe is in Paris; from 24 June to 17 August he is in Paris, Hanover, Goslar, Celle, Dusseldorf, Brussels, Dunkirk, Gravelines and Boulogne; from 7 November to 14 December he is on South Kensington Museum business in Lancashire, the Lake District, Tyneside, Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.
9 - Diary. 21 April to 27 June, examinations at the South Kensington Museum; 28 June to 11 July, in Paris with Jean Léon Gérome, sketching; 22 August to 5 September, at Hardwick near Mansfield, painting, sketching, reading and walking; 28 November to 4 December, on Inspection business at Settle, Darlington and Durham.
10 - Diary. Works during the year: Trial for Bigamy, manuscript and sketches relating to Millet, and La Hogue. He was painting and researching in Cherbourg and Paris from 5 August to 20 September.
11 - Diary. Crowe's travels on behalf of the South Kensington Museum take him to school inspections in January and February to Wiltshire and Somerset, and then up to Lancashire, in November to Newport and Carmarthen, and from 6 to 16 December to a great deal of places in West Yorkshire, during which time he visits Haworth as a tourist. Many local descriptions.
12 - Diary. 20 January, death of Crowe's sister Eugenie Marie Wynne. "What a shock, dear, sweet Eugenie, with masses of friends, and her own nestlings, some around her (Jenny & Amy)".
13 - Diary. Detailed entries, particularly mentioning Crowe's work, his social life, family news and reports of major events in the news. May to July, he describes the preparations for the coronation of King Edward VII. Crowe spends 14 July to 18 November working in France, and provides a very detailed account of what he did and who he met.
14 - Diary. Detailed accounts of work, walks around London, conversations and letters from friends. Many friends died in this year. 1 to 31 March, pages torn out. Much interest in the world of art - on 11 May Crowe mentions a report of an exhibition of "Monnet"'s London works, "all of them enveloped in fog".
15 - Diary. The year's main project is a biography and sketches of Richard Wilson, the Welsh artist who died in 1782. Crowe spends 15 July to 3 September in Mold and Denbigh sketching for this, and does research back in London in September, culminating in sending manuscript notes and sketches to Scribners Sons in New York on 11 November. For the rest of the year, Crowe does little work. Many gaps where nothing is written.
16 - Diary. From January, Crowe works on a painting of a Chelsea pensioner. 4 February, news of the rejection of the Richard Wilson manuscript. Considerable gaps in April and September.
17 - Diary. Considerable gaps at the beginning of the year. Very little painting; a bit of Richard Wilson research in August. Most of Crowe's time is spent at his Club or in the British Museum Reading Room.
Expand 2 - Writings and drawings of Eyre Crowe A.R.A.2 - Writings and drawings of Eyre Crowe A.R.A.
Expand 3 - Papers relating to the winding up of the estate of Eyre Crowe A.R.A.3 - Papers relating to the winding up of the estate of Eyre Crowe A.R.A.
Expand 4 - Accounts and receipts4 - Accounts and receipts
Expand 5 - Correspondence5 - Correspondence
Expand 6 - Miscellaneous6 - Miscellaneous
Expand 3 - Miscellaneous addenda3 - Miscellaneous addenda
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