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Collapse MOST - (Bangor) Mostyn ManuscriptsMOST - (Bangor) Mostyn Manuscripts
1 - Literary and historical manuscripts
Expand 2 - Family papers2 - Family papers
Collapse 3 - Deeds, documents and papers 3 - Deeds, documents and papers
Collapse 1 - A. Welsh Counties1 - A. Welsh Counties
Expand 1 - Anglesey1 - Anglesey
Expand 2 - Caernarvonshire2 - Caernarvonshire
Expand 3 - Cardiganshire3 - Cardiganshire
Expand 4 - Denbighshire4 - Denbighshire
Expand 5 - Flintshire5 - Flintshire
Collapse 6 - Merionethshire deeds, documents and papers6 - Merionethshire deeds, documents and papers
Expand 1 - Parish of Barmouth deeds, documents and papers1 - Parish of Barmouth deeds, documents and papers
Expand 2 - Parish of Corwen deeds, documents and papers2 - Parish of Corwen deeds, documents and papers
Expand 3 - Parish of Dolgellau deeds, documents and papers3 - Parish of Dolgellau deeds, documents and papers
Expand 4 - Parish of Ffestiniog deeds, documents and papers4 - Parish of Ffestiniog deeds, documents and papers
Collapse 5 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers5 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3517 - Letters patent granting to the burgesses of Harlech two fairs a year
3518 - Gift of 18 acres of land lying in Glan y mor near Hardelagh
3519 - Gift of one piece of land with a garden adjoining within the liberties
3520 - Gift of a house in the town of Hardelagh, lying between the lands of Morgan ap Jenkyn
3521 - Gift of a parcel of land called Kay yr lloie lying in length from a place called Talar y tyna
3522 - Award Indented of Hugh ap David ap Dig' [sic]
Collapse 3523 - Three documents fastened together with thread at the top left-hand corner:3523 - Three documents fastened together with thread at the top left-hand corner:
3524 - Bargain and sale enrolled of a house in the town of Hardelech
3525 - Mortgage of a house in the town of Hardeleghe where the said David ap Robert
3526 - Lease in fee farm of messuages, tofts or tenements called Kay Grono llwyd
3527 - Bargain and sale enrolled of one garden called Gardd ym hen y bryn
3528 - Lease in perpetual fee farm of a parcel of land lying in a place called yr morva
3529 - [Transfered to Seciton IIIA 2g] (See 901A)
Expand 3530 - Two documents secured together by a parchment thong:3530 - Two documents secured together by a parchment thong:
3531 - Gift in perpetual fee farm of two roods of turbary lying within the liberties of the town of Hardelaghe
3532 - Gift in the fee farm of four roods of turbary lying in a place called Y Gorsse
3533 - Gift in perpetual fee farm of 5 roods
3534 - Gift in perpetual fee farm of 6 roods of turbary
Expand 3535 - Two documents fastened together at the bottom left-hand corner by a parchment thong:3535 - Two documents fastened together at the bottom left-hand corner by a parchment thong:
3536 - Gift of two roods of turbary in a place called y gorsse
3537 - Quitclaim of a house and garden in the town of Hardelech.
3538 - Quitclaim of two roods of turbary lying in a place called y gors in the said town of Hardlegh.
3539 - Assignment of a grant (made to 1 by the Constable and Bailiffs of the said Hardeleigh in a deed dated 10th May 1577)
3540 - Bargain and sale enrolled of one garden called Gardd ymhen y bryn in the town of Harlegh
3541 - Bond in £20 for the quiet possession of one garden with a house built thereon,
3542 - Covenant for the quiet possession of lands and tenements
3543 - Gift of a capital messuage in Hardeleche now in the tenure of Sir Richard Thymelby
3544 - Deed of a settlement
3545 - Lease in perpetual fee farm of ten roods of meadow land
3546 - Lease for 12 years of a barn with a garden called penn y bryn
3547 - Bargain and sale of a house and two burgages
3548 - Bond in £80 for the quiet possession of a house called yr hen tu tan y llech
3549 - Gift of houses called yr hen Tv dan y llech
3550 - Bargain and sale of a messuage or tenement
3551 - Feoffment of messuages, tofts, burgages, lands etc, called kae gibon
3552 - Quitclaim of messuages and lands called kae gibon, kae r lloy
3553 - Gift of a toft in Hardelech between the garden of Robert ap Ievan ap Morgan
3554 - Mortgage of a meadow called yr Acrey newydd
3555 - Bond in £40 for the quiet possession of a house or messuage
3556 - Bond in £100 for the quiet possession of messuages, houses and lands called kay gibbon
3557 - Bond in £100 for the performance of covenants contained in a certain Article indented of equal date
3558 - Bond in £100 for the payment of a rent of £4. 10s. in respect of a house called yr hen dy tan y llech
3559 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine of certain messuages and lands called y Gwndwn Canol
3560 - Gift of a messuage or tenement called Pant Ievan lloied in the township of Llanbeder
3561 - Mortgage of a close adjoining to the mansion house
3562 - Certain articles and Orders agreed upon at the Guild Hall of the town of Hardelagh
3563 - Bond in £40 to deliver up a Deed of Bargain and Sale
3564 - Mortgage of a house, burgage or messuage and a garden adjoining thereto ymhen y Bryn
3565 - Bond in £20 for the performance of covenants contained in a pair of Indentures
3566 - Bond in £20 for the performance of covenants contained in a pair of Indentures of equal date.
3567 - Gift of four roods of meadow land and turbary
3568 - Bond in £40 for the quiet possession of four roods of meadow
3569 - Bond in £40 for the quiet possession of four roods of meadow or turbary ground lying in a place called Y gorse within the liberties of Hardelagh.
3570 - Release and quitclaim of a messuage and parcels of land called y kay kanol
3571 - Bargain and sale of a house, curtilage and garden called r'Ardd ymhen y Bryn
3572 - Bond in £10 for the quiet possession of a house and curtilage and a garden
3573 - Bond in £10 for the surrender of all deeds and writings
3574 - Quitclaim of a house and curtilage lying between the garden or burgage of Robert ap Morgan of Llanaber
3575 - Gift of parcels of land called Bryn y Beegelydd and y Berth Ddv, lying between the lands of (2) called kay Bensi
3576 - Gift of a burgage or messuage and a garden and curtilage
3577 - Quitclaim of four roods of turbary ground in a place called y gors
3578 - Bond in £100 for the quiet possession of four roods of meadow or turbary ground lying within the lands of John Thompson
3579 - Feoffment of messuages, houses and lands in Hardelaughe and Llantanock, co. Merioneth
3580 - Deed to declare the uses of a fine of a burgage or messuage
3581 - Feoffment of a house and garden in Morva Hardelagh within the liberties of Hardelagh, co. Merioneth
3582 - General release of the equity of redemption of a meadow called /r/Acre newydd
3583 - Bond in £200 for the performance of covenants
3584 - Note of agreement that John Thompson of Hardelagh, co. Merioneth, gent
3585 - Bond in £40 for the quiet possession of certain parcels of land called Bryn y Beegelydd and y Berth ddu
3586 - Mortgage of a messuage or burgage, curtilage and garden
3587 - Merionethshire
3588 - Merionethshire
3589 - Merionethshire
3590 - Merionethshire
3591 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3592 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3593 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3594 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3595 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3596 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3597 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3598 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3599 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3600 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3601 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3602 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3603 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3604 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3605 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3606 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3607 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3608 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3609 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3610 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
3611 - Town of Harlech deeds, documents and papers
Expand 6 - Parish of Llanaber deeds, documents and papers6 - Parish of Llanaber deeds, documents and papers
Expand 7 - Parish of Llanbedr deeds, documents and papers7 - Parish of Llanbedr deeds, documents and papers
Expand 8 - Parish of Llandanwg deeds, documents and papers8 - Parish of Llandanwg deeds, documents and papers
9 - Parish of Llandderfel deeds, documents and papers
10 - Parish of Llanddwywe deeds, documents and papers
11 - Parish of Llandecwyn deeds, documents and papers
12 - Parish of Llanelltyd deeds, documents and papers
13 - Parish of Llanenddwyn deeds, documents and papers
14 - Parish of Llanfachreth deeds, documents and papers
7 - Montgomeryshire
8 - Radnorshire
9 - Mixed counties
2 - B. English Counties
4 - Rentals, surveys, valuations, particulars etc.
5 - Manorial records
6 - Tithes
7 - Accounts
8 - Lawsuits and controversies
Expand 9 - Industrial records9 - Industrial records
10 - Transport and communications
11 - Correspondence
12 - County politics and electioneering
Expand 13 - Maps and plans13 - Maps and plans
Expand 14 - Miscellaneous14 - Miscellaneous
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