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Collapse PAG - Paget Papers PAG - Paget Papers
Expand 1 - Papers of Almeric Hugh, Baron Queenborough1 - Papers of Almeric Hugh, Baron Queenborough
Expand 2 - Papers of Henry Cyril, Fifth Marquess of Anglesey2 - Papers of Henry Cyril, Fifth Marquess of Anglesey
Expand 3 - Papers of Charles Henry Alexander, Sixth Marquess of Anglesey3 - Papers of Charles Henry Alexander, Sixth Marquess of Anglesey
Collapse 4 - Papers of Marjorie, Lady Anglesey4 - Papers of Marjorie, Lady Anglesey
1 - Bundle of letters mainly to M.A. from friends, family and associates, including letters of sympathy on the death of her father, letters from her children, and a letter (Dec. 1891) to Father Christmas from 'M. Manners'.
2 - Bundle of miscellaneous letters to the Duchess of Rutland (her mother) mainly from M.A.
3 - Invitation to the coronation of Edward VII with additional literature re. same.
4-6 - Bundles of miscellaneous correspondence from the Duke and Duchess of Rutland.
7 - Bundle of gossip letters from M.A. to her father.
8-10 - Bundles of letters of congratulations upon her engagement to Charles Paget, the sixth Marquess of Anglesey.
11 - Bundle of letters of congratulations to M.M. upon her engagement; also included are two newspaper cuttings re. the wedding.
12 - Illuminated address to M.M. on the occasion of her marriage with subscriptions from the parishes of Great and Little Rowsley.
13 - Illuminated address to M.M. on the occasion of her marriage, to accompany a gift from the tenants of the Haddon Estate of the Duke of Rutland; included is a congratulatory address from the "Tradesmen of the Borough of Grantham".
13 - Papers of Marjorie, Lady Anglesey
14-15 - Bundles of letters of congratulations and good wishes upon her marriage.
16 - List of wedding presents received.
17 - Diary (personal).
18 - Bundle of letters from Lord Anglesey to M.A.
19 - Bundle of miscellaneous gossip letters to M.A. from friends, family and other (domestic etc.) associates.
20 - Bundle of letters from Kakoo (sister-in-law) and John (brother, and later Duke of Rutland).
21-32 - Bundles of miscellaneous letters to M.A. from family, friends and other (domestic etc) associates.
33 - As above (21-32) including four appointment diaries from 1915, 1917, 1944 and 1946.
34 - Bundle of letters to the Duchess of Rutland from M.A.
35 - Bundle of gossip letters from M.A. to her father in Ireland.
36 - Account book re. private account with Messrs. Drummond & Co., Royal Bank of Scotland.
37 - Bundle of gossip letters to M.A. from the Royal Family.
38 - Diary (personal).
39 - Presentation photograph album presented by the Royal Orphanage, Wolverhampton.
40 - Bundle of letters to the Duchess of Rutland from M.A.
41 - Bundle of miscellaneous correspondence to M.A. including letters of sympathy on the death of her father, some letters to M.A. in her social capacity, and some receipts; also included is correspondence re. arrangements for H.R.H. the Prince of Wales' stay at Plas Newydd during his visit to Wales (Oct.-Nov. 1923).
42 - Bundle of miscellaneous letters to M.A.
43 - Bundle of letters from Lord Anglesey to M.A.
44 - Bundle of miscellaneous correspondence to M.A. from family and friends including letters commenting on London during the General Strike.
45 - Address book.
46 - 'General remarks and conditions of sale' re. sale of part of the Duke of Rutland's Belvoir Estate.
47 - Sales catalogue re. Belvoir Estate.
48 - Bundle of loose Belvoir Estate sales plans.
49 - Sales catalogues of the Derbyshire lands of the Belvoir Estate.
50 - Bundle of letters to M.A. from Diana and Duff Cooper (sister and brother-in-law).
51 - Bundle of letters of congratulations upon the birth of twins.
52 - Charity subscription appeal form from the Royal Sailors Orphan Girls' School, London.
53-54 - Bundles of letters to the Duchess of Rutland from M.A.
55 - Bundle of invitations to various private and public functions to Lord and Lady Anglesey.
56 - Diary (official, sporting and business).
57 - Diary (personal).
58 - Account book re. private account with Messrs. Drummold & Co., Royal Bank of Scotland.
59 - Bundle of papers, accounts, statements, etc., re. the personal financial affairs of M.A. and the will of her father the Duke of Rutland.
60 - Diary (personal).
61 - Bundle of letters from the Earl of Uxbridge.
62 - File of family and other letters to M.A. including a great many from evacuees, plus other communication to M.A. re. her contribution to the war effort (many are peppered with war comment) and some 1937 appointment calenders.
63 - Charity donations & subscriptions book belonging to M.A.
64 - Letter from H.R.H. Duchess of York (later H.M. Queen Elizabeth) to M.A. thanking her for her Christmas present.
65 - Appointments calendar.
66 - Account book re. private account with Messrs. Drummond & Co., Royal Bank of Scotland.
67 - Bundle of miscellaneous family letters the majority of which are written by Rose, 4th daughter of the 6th Marquess of Anglesey to her mother (Marjorie)
68 - Guest book for shooting parties; invitations with letters of acceptance enclosed.
69 - Will and Codicils of Violet, Duchess of Rutland.
70 - Bundle of letters of condolence to M.A. upon the death of her mother.
71 - Account book re. private account with Messrs. Drummond & Co., Royal Bank of Scotland.
72 - Appointments calendar.
73 - Bundle of letters from Lady Elizabeth Paget.
74 - Bundle of personal receipts of the Marchioness of Anglesey
75 - Bundle of letters from the Earl of Uxbridge.
76 - Appointments calendar.
77 - Account book re. private account with Messrs. Drummond & Co., Royal Bank of Scotland.
78 - Bundle of miscellaneous letters mainly from M.A.
79 - File of correspondence with Messrs. Drummond & Co., Royal Bank of Scotland.
80 - Bundle of letters from the Earl of Uxbridge.
81 - Bundle of letters mainly from the Earl of Uxbridge, including a record of the young Uxbridge's weight gain.
82 - Recipe book.
83 - File of publicity re. the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmans Families Association (SSAFA).
84 - Account book re. private account with Messrs. Drummond & Co., Royal Bank of Scotland.
85 - Bundle of letters from the Earl of Uxbridge.
86 - File of correspondence with Messrs. G. & G. Keith re. financial investments.
87 - Address book.
88-96 - Notebooks or rough menu plans.
97 - Portrait photograph of M.A.
98 - Account sheet of Lady Mary Paget's settled share in M.A.'s will trust.
Expand 5 - Papers of Lady Caroline Duff5 - Papers of Lady Caroline Duff
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