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Collapse UCNW - University College of North Wales Records (also later known as University of Wales, Bangor and Bangor University)UCNW - University College of North Wales Records (also later known as University of Wales, Bangor and Bangor University)
Expand 1884 - Establishment and Opening of the University College of North Wales1884 - Establishment and Opening of the University College of North Wales
Expand ACC - Statements of AccountsACC - Statements of Accounts
AGREE - Agreements
AGRI - Department of Agriculture Records
ALUM - Alumni Department Records
Expand ANN - Annual Reports of the University College of North WalesANN - Annual Reports of the University College of North Wales
ART - Records relating to the University Art Collections and Exhibitions
Expand ARTEFACTS - ArtefactsARTEFACTS - Artefacts
Expand BOT - Department of Botany RecordsBOT - Department of Botany Records
Expand CHEM - ChemistryCHEM - Chemistry
CLASSICS - Department of Classics Records
CORR - Correspondence
Expand DEP - Reports of the Heads of Department or Reports of DepartmentsDEP - Reports of the Heads of Department or Reports of Departments
DTD - Records of the Day Training Departments
ELEC - Department of Electronic Engineering
ENG - Department of English Records
Expand EST - Estates-related RecordsEST - Estates-related Records
Expand FEST - UCNW FestivalsFEST - UCNW Festivals
Expand GEN - General UCNW RecordsGEN - General UCNW Records
GOV - Governance Records
Expand HALL - Halls of Residence (Hostels) RecordsHALL - Halls of Residence (Hostels) Records
IND - Individual Student Collections / Recollections
JUB - Jubilee Celebrations
Expand LEC - Lectures and addressesLEC - Lectures and addresses
Expand LIB - Library / Information Services / Library and ArchivesLIB - Library / Information Services / Library and Archives
Collapse MAG - Student Magazines / JournalsMAG - Student Magazines / Journals
Expand 1 - Agrix - Journal of the Agricultural Society, UCNW1 - Agrix - Journal of the Agricultural Society, UCNW
Expand 2 - Alpha 2 - Alpha
Expand 3 - Yr Arloeswr - Cylchgrawn Cymdeithas Yr Arloeswyr Coleg y Brifysgol, Bangor3 - Yr Arloeswr - Cylchgrawn Cymdeithas Yr Arloeswyr Coleg y Brifysgol, Bangor
Expand 4 - The Old Bangorian / Bangoriad4 - The Old Bangorian / Bangoriad
Expand 5 - Boot - UCNW Rag Mag5 - Boot - UCNW Rag Mag
Expand 6 - The Bulletin - Journal of the UCNW Socialist Society6 - The Bulletin - Journal of the UCNW Socialist Society
Expand 7 - Clogwyn - UCNW Mountaineering Club Journal7 - Clogwyn - UCNW Mountaineering Club Journal
Expand 8 - Y Coedwigwr / The Forester8 - Y Coedwigwr / The Forester
Expand 9 - Echins - UCNW Bangor Rag Mag9 - Echins - UCNW Bangor Rag Mag
Expand 10 - Echoes - College Poetry Magazine10 - Echoes - College Poetry Magazine
Expand 11 - Ffenics - Cylchgrawn Cymraeg Coleg y Brifysgol11 - Ffenics - Cylchgrawn Cymraeg Coleg y Brifysgol
Expand 12 - Forecast a'r Dyfodol12 - Forecast a'r Dyfodol
Collapse 13 - Y Geifr - The Magazine of the UCNW Mountaineering Club13 - Y Geifr - The Magazine of the UCNW Mountaineering Club
Expand 14 - Graffiti14 - Graffiti
Expand 15 - Y Gwyddonydd - Cylchgrawn Gwyddonol15 - Y Gwyddonydd - Cylchgrawn Gwyddonol
Expand 16 - Icarus16 - Icarus
Expand 17 - Yr Her - Cylchgrawn Cangen Plaid Genedlaethol Cymru Coleg y Brifysgol, Bangor17 - Yr Her - Cylchgrawn Cangen Plaid Genedlaethol Cymru Coleg y Brifysgol, Bangor
Expand 18 - Y Llef18 - Y Llef
Expand 19 - Lookout - UCNW Official Student Journal19 - Lookout - UCNW Official Student Journal
Expand 20 - The Mascot - The Magazine of UCNW20 - The Mascot - The Magazine of UCNW
Expand 21 - Omnibus21 - Omnibus
Expand 22 - Outlook - Bangor Student News Magazine22 - Outlook - Bangor Student News Magazine
Expand 23 - Pandamonium - Bangor Colleges Rag Mag23 - Pandamonium - Bangor Colleges Rag Mag
Expand 24 - Rag Mag - The Official Rag Mag of UCNW24 - Rag Mag - The Official Rag Mag of UCNW
Expand 26 - Spectrum26 - Spectrum
Expand 27 - Tatters - Rag Paper27 - Tatters - Rag Paper
Expand 28 - The Tonicle28 - The Tonicle
Expand 28 - The Tonicle28 - The Tonicle
Expand 29 - The Undertaker29 - The Undertaker
Expand 29 - The Undertaker29 - The Undertaker
32 - 1884 - Cyfnodolyn yr Ysgol Hanes, Athroniaeth a Gwyddorau Cymdeithas / Journal of the School of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences Rhifyn 1 / Issue 1
Expand 33 - Bronco - Cylchgrawn Cymraeg33 - Bronco - Cylchgrawn Cymraeg
Expand 34 - Dawn - Student Magazine34 - Dawn - Student Magazine
Expand 35 - The Magazine of the University College of North Wales35 - The Magazine of the University College of North Wales
MARINE - Department of Marine Biology Records
MATHS - Department of Mathematics / Computer Sciences Records
Expand MISC - Miscellaneous University DocumentsMISC - Miscellaneous University Documents
MUS - University Museum Records
MUSIC - Department of Music Records
Expand NEWS - University Staff NewslettersNEWS - University Staff Newsletters
Expand OB - Obituaries / Memorial ServicesOB - Obituaries / Memorial Services
Expand PHO - PhotographsPHO - Photographs
POST - Posters
Expand PRO - Prospectuses and Handbooks PRO - Prospectuses and Handbooks
Expand REG - Files from the Office of the Registrar of the University College of North WalesREG - Files from the Office of the Registrar of the University College of North Wales
SOC - University Societies Records
TTD - Teachers Training Department
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