Rhif Cyf AmgBMSS/18687-18688
TeitlEyton Williams Bequest : University College of North Wales
DisgrifiadPapers relating to an action in the Probate court, 1905-1907, arising out of the terms of the Will of John Eyton Williams, a wealthy Chester chemist, according to which the University College of North Wales and the University of Wales each received a legacy of £10,000 for the foundation of scholarships and prizes. The testator, however, left a memorandum attached to the will imposing certain theological beliefs upon students of the Welsh colleges who benefited by his bequests, but without knowledge of the provisions in the University and College charters excluding the imposition of religious tests. The plaintiffs (U. of Wales and U.C.N.W.) claimed revocation of the memorandum in question, but the President of the Court on 18 March 1907 gave judgment for the defendants (the executors) and next of kin. U.C.N.W., however, in October of the same year, successfully appealed against the judgment in the Court of Appeal.
The papers include copies of the Will, Affidavits, Briefs, copy Orders and Judgment, correpondence, newspapers cuttings, etc., 1905-1910.
Extent2 bundles
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