Rhif Cyf AmgMOST/1488-1489
TeitlLease and release (the release being a mortgage), of a messuage and tenement
Disgrifiad1. Robert Griffith of Aberchwiler, gent; and John Griffith of the same, gent, his son and heir apparent.
2. Jane Griffith of Plas Issa in the parish of Caerwys, spinster.

Lease and release (the release being a mortgage), of a messuage and tenement, a cottage called y tu yn y Groesfordd with garden and parcel of land, and closes called Cae tannw ucha, Cae tannw issa, y ddwy ddol (being 2 closes), quoetkae'r Solve gwair, y Caya uch ben bohemia, (being 2 closes), quoetkae'r Coed, and y Coed, all in Aberchwiler, co. Denbigh.
Consideration: £20.
Dyddiad24 October and 25 October 1698
Extent2 items
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